Lit­er­at­ure Re­search

Off-cam­pus ac­cess

HNU members can access all e-books and most databases off-campus.

Lib­rary cata­logue

(opens in a new window)

Contains the books and e-books within the library's collection. Additionally, HNU members can order media via inter-library loan service.

Tip: When you are just starting your research and don't know much about the topic, this is your place to start. When you have found some introductory books, you can move on and search for more specific literature within the databases. 


Contents: mostly journal articles and statistics. The items without full text can be ordered via inter-library loan service in the library catalogue.
Tip: In order to use database contents properly, you should already have gathered the basic information on your topic in books. These are listed in the library catalogue.

Elec­tronic Journ­als Lib­rary (EZB)

(opens in a new window)

The EZB shows you whether or not you have online access to a particular journal: Enter the journal name to see a traffic light legend of all access points. All access points come with a link to the containing source, which is usually one of our databases.

Journ­als and news­pa­pers

A list of all printed and electronic journals and newspapers in our collection.

HNU theses

An overview of the theses written at the HNU; if there is no blocking notice, the full texts can also be read.

Google Scholar

(opens in a new window)

Google Scholar is the scientific search engine of Google. You will find both freely accessible and licensed e-books and journal articles.

Or­der­ing me­dia out­side of the lib­rary's col­lec­tion

Inter-lib­rary loan ser­vice

Media outside of the library's collection can be ordered via inter-library loan service.

New ac­quis­i­tions

Please feel free to suggest media we should buy for our collection. You can also see our latest acquisitions.