Sci­ence Blog

Creative light bulb illustration with microcircuit on modern computer background, future technology concept. Multiexposure

In­side Sci­ence

This blog offers deeper insights into the everyday work of applied sciences at HNU: We highlight current science topics, research projects and publications, introduce professors and research assistants and show ways into science.  

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Latest post

29.04.2024, Dia­logues: HNU Health­care Man­age­ment In­sights #14

In the interview series, Prof Dr Patrick Da-Cruz asks various experts about current topics in the healthcare sector. The latest episode with Miriam Moser centres on the topic of digital leadership in…

Fur­ther art­icles

22.02.2024, Faces: New at the HNU: Prof Dr Tassilo Schuster

HNU has a new research professor: Prof Dr Tassilo Schuster joined the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics in January 2024. The habilitated business economist conducts research in the…

18.01.2024, Re­searched: HNU re­search in­sti­tutes in fo­cus - #2: In­sti­tute for Di­gital In­nov­a­tion

The Institute for Digital Innovation (IDI) at HNU, which recently celebrated its tenth anniversary, focusses on how the new comes into the world. An interdisciplinary team teaches and conducts…

12.12.2023, Faces: New at HNU: Prof. Dr. Jo­hannes von Gehlen

Growth in the field of business psychology: Prof. Dr. Johannes von Gehlen joined the Faculty of Business and Economics at HNU in the winter semester 2023/24. In addition to several years of teaching…