Australia | Macquarie University (opens in a new window) (*) |
Australia | Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (opens in a new window) |
Australia | Victoria University (opens in a new window) |
Austria | Carinthia University of Applied Sciences (opens in a new window) |
Austria | FH JOANNEUM - University of Applied Sciences (opens in a new window) |
Austria | Fachhochschule Kufstein Tirol (opens in a new window) |
Austria | FHWien der WKW University of Applied Sciences (opens in a new window) |
Belgium | EPHEC University College (opens in a new window) |
Belgium | Thomas More University of Applied Sciences Mechelen-Antwerpen (opens in a new window) |
Belgium | UC Leuven-Limburg (opens in a new window) |
Brasil | University of São Paulo (opens in a new window) |
Bulgaria | T (opens in a new window)rakia University (opens in a new window) |
Canada | Seneca Polytechnic (opens in a new window) |
Canada | University of Prince Edward Island (opens in a new window) |
Canada | Wilfrid Laurier University (opens in a new window) |
Chile | University of Chile (opens in a new window) |
China | Shenzhen Technology University (opens in a new window) |
China | University of Shanghai for Science and Technology (opens in a new window) |
China | Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (opens in a new window) |
China | Zhejiang Sci-Tech University (opens in a new window) |
Cuba | Technological University of Havana "José Antonio Echeverría" (opens in a new window) (*) |
Cuba | University of Oriente (opens in a new window) (*) |
Czech Republic | Tomas Bata University in Zlin (opens in a new window) |
Ethiopia | Arba Minch University (opens in a new window) (*) |
Finland | Kajaani University of Applied Sciences (opens in a new window) |
Finland | LAB University of Applied Sciences (opens in a new window) |
Finland | Laurea University of Applied Sciences (opens in a new window) |
Finland | Oulu University of Applied Sciences (opens in a new window) |
France | University of Bordeaux (opens in a new window) |
France | University Paris Est Créteil – Val de Marne (opens in a new window) |
Greece | Metropolitan College (opens in a new window) (*) |
Greece | University of West Attica (opens in a new window) |
Hungary | Budapest University of Economics and Business (opens in a new window) |
Hungary | International Business School (opens in a new window) |
India | Kristu Jayanti College (opens in a new window) (*) |
Indonesia | Diponegoro University (opens in a new window) |
Indonesia | Sebelas Maret University (opens in a new window) |
Iran | I (opens in a new window)sfahan University of Medical Sciences (opens in a new window) (*) |
Iran | Kashan University of Medical Sciences (opens in a new window) (*) |
Israel | College of Management Academic Studies (opens in a new window) |
Israel | Shenkar - Engineering. Design. Art. (opens in a new window) |
Israel | Tel-Hai College (opens in a new window) (*) |
Israel | The Academic College of Tel Aviv-Yaffo (opens in a new window) |
Italy | D'Annunzio University of Chieti - Pescara (opens in a new window) |
Italy | University of Rome Tor Vergata (opens in a new window) (*) |
Japan | Aichi Shukutoku University (opens in a new window) |
Japan | Kanagawa University (opens in a new window) |
Japan | Kyoto Sangyo University (opens in a new window) |
Japan | Meiji University (opens in a new window) |
Jordan | German Jordanian University (opens in a new window) |
Kenya | Kenya Methodist University (opens in a new window) (*) |
Kenya | Kenyatta University (opens in a new window) (*) |
Kenya | Strathmore University (opens in a new window) (*) |
Kenya | University of Eldoret (opens in a new window) (*) |
Malaysia | Taylor's University (opens in a new window) |
Malaysia | University Sains Malaysia (USM) (opens in a new window) |
Malta | University of Malta (opens in a new window) (*) |
Mauritius | University of Mauritius (opens in a new window) |
Mexico | Tecnológico de Monterrey (opens in a new window) |
Mexico | University of Guadalajara (opens in a new window) |
Mexico | University of Monterrey (opens in a new window) |
Namibia | Namibia University of Science and Technology (opens in a new window) (*) |
Netherlands | Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences (opens in a new window) |
Oman | German University of Technology (opens in a new window) |
Peru | University San Ignacio de Loyola (opens in a new window) |
Poland | Humanitas University (opens in a new window) |
Poland | Nicolaus Copernicus University (opens in a new window) |
Poland | WSB Merito University in Gdansk (opens in a new window) |
Poland | WSB Merito University in Torun (opens in a new window) |
Portugal | European University of Lisbon - IADE (opens in a new window) |
Portugal | ISLA - Polytechnic Institute of Management and Technology (opens in a new window) |
Portugal | Nova Information Management School (opens in a new window) |
Russia | National University of Science and Technology (opens in a new window) |
Rwanda | University of Rwanda (opens in a new window) (*) |
Senegal | Gaston Berger University (opens in a new window) (*) |
Slovakia | Comenius University Bratislava (opens in a new window) |
Slovakia | School of Management (opens in a new window) |
South Africa | Cape Peninsula University of Technology (opens in a new window) |
South Africa | University of the Western Cape (opens in a new window) |
South Africa | University of the Witwatersrand (opens in a new window) |
South Korea | Hanyang University (opens in a new window) |
South Korea | Inha (opens in a new window)University (opens in a new window) |
South Korea | Korea University (opens in a new window) |
South Korea | Sookmyung Women's University (opens in a new window) |
South Korea | Yeungnam University (opens in a new window) |
Spain | Complutense University of Madrid (opens in a new window) |
Spain | EDEM Business School (opens in a new window) |
Spain | Rey Juan Carlos University (opens in a new window) |
Spain | University of Cadiz (opens in a new window) |
Spain | University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (opens in a new window) |
Spain | University of the Basque Country (opens in a new window) |
Spain | University of Valencia (opens in a new window) |
Spain | University of Zaragoza (opens in a new window) |
Switzerland | University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (opens in a new window) (*) |
Switzerland | University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (opens in a new window) |
Taiwan | National Chengchi University (opens in a new window) |
Taiwan | National Taipei University of Business (opens in a new window) |
Tanzania | Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (opens in a new window) (*) |
Tanzania | Mzumbe University (opens in a new window) (*) |
Thailand | Srinakharinwirot University (opens in a new window) |
Thailand | Thammasat Business School (opens in a new window) |
Turkey | Cankaya University (opens in a new window) |
Turkey | Istanbul Kültür University (opens in a new window) |
Turkey | Middle East Technical University (opens in a new window) |
Turkey | Yasar University (opens in a new window) |
Uganda | Uganda Management Institute (opens in a new window) (*) |
USA | Hawai'i Pacific University (opens in a new window) |
USA | Stockton University (opens in a new window) |
USA | University of California Los Angeles (opens in a new window) (*) |
Vietnam | Foreign Trade University (opens in a new window) |
Vietnam | Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (opens in a new window) |
Vietnam | Vietnam National University (VNU-UEB) (opens in a new window) |
Vietnam | Vietnamese German University (opens in a new window) |