Partner Universities

The HNU cooperates with a large number of international partner universities worldwide. Most cooperations allow the exchange of students and staff. Some partnerships focus on joint teaching and research.


Partner University

AustraliaMacquarie University (opens in a new window) (*)
AustraliaRoyal Melbourne Institute of Technology (opens in a new window)
AustraliaVictoria University (opens in a new window)
AustriaCarinthia University of Applied Sciences (opens in a new window)
AustriaFH JOANNEUM - University of Applied Sciences (opens in a new window)
AustriaFachhochschule Kufstein Tirol (opens in a new window)
AustriaFHWien der WKW University of Applied Sciences (opens in a new window)
BelgiumEPHEC University College (opens in a new window)
BelgiumThomas More University of Applied Sciences Mechelen-Antwerpen (opens in a new window)
BelgiumUC Leuven-Limburg (opens in a new window)
BrasilUniversity of São Paulo (opens in a new window)
BulgariaT (opens in a new window)rakia University (opens in a new window)
CanadaSeneca Polytechnic (opens in a new window)
CanadaUniversity of Prince Edward Island (opens in a new window)
CanadaWilfrid Laurier University (opens in a new window)
ChileUniversity of Chile (opens in a new window)
ChinaShenzhen Technology University (opens in a new window)
ChinaUniversity of Shanghai for Science and Technology (opens in a new window)
ChinaXi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (opens in a new window)
ChinaZhejiang Sci-Tech University (opens in a new window)
CubaTechnological University of Havana "José Antonio Echeverría" (opens in a new window) (*)
CubaUniversity of Oriente (opens in a new window) (*)
Czech RepublicTomas Bata University in Zlin (opens in a new window)
EthiopiaArba Minch University (opens in a new window) (*)
FinlandKajaani University of Applied Sciences (opens in a new window)
FinlandLAB University of Applied Sciences (opens in a new window)
FinlandLaurea University of Applied Sciences (opens in a new window)
FinlandOulu University of Applied Sciences (opens in a new window)
FranceUniversity of Bordeaux (opens in a new window)
FranceUniversity Paris Est Créteil – Val de Marne (opens in a new window)
GreeceMetropolitan College (opens in a new window) (*)
GreeceUniversity of West Attica (opens in a new window)
HungaryBudapest University of Economics and Business (opens in a new window)
HungaryInternational Business School (opens in a new window)
IndiaKristu Jayanti College (opens in a new window) (*)
IndonesiaDiponegoro University (opens in a new window)
IndonesiaSebelas Maret University (opens in a new window)
IranI (opens in a new window)sfahan University of Medical Sciences (opens in a new window) (*)
IranKashan University of Medical Sciences (opens in a new window) (*)
IsraelCollege of Management Academic Studies (opens in a new window)
IsraelShenkar - Engineering. Design. Art. (opens in a new window)
IsraelTel-Hai College (opens in a new window) (*)
IsraelThe Academic College of Tel Aviv-Yaffo (opens in a new window)
ItalyD'Annunzio University of Chieti - Pescara (opens in a new window)
ItalyUniversity of Rome Tor Vergata (opens in a new window) (*)
JapanAichi Shukutoku University (opens in a new window)
JapanKanagawa University (opens in a new window)
JapanKyoto Sangyo University (opens in a new window)
JapanMeiji University (opens in a new window)
JordanGerman Jordanian University (opens in a new window)
KenyaKenya Methodist University (opens in a new window) (*)
KenyaKenyatta University (opens in a new window) (*)
KenyaStrathmore University (opens in a new window) (*)
KenyaUniversity of Eldoret (opens in a new window) (*)
MalaysiaTaylor's University (opens in a new window)
MalaysiaUniversity Sains Malaysia (USM) (opens in a new window)
MaltaUniversity of Malta (opens in a new window) (*)
MauritiusUniversity of Mauritius (opens in a new window)
MexicoTecnológico de Monterrey (opens in a new window)
MexicoUniversity of Guadalajara (opens in a new window)
MexicoUniversity of Monterrey (opens in a new window)
NamibiaNamibia University of Science and Technology (opens in a new window) (*)
NetherlandsRotterdam University of Applied Sciences (opens in a new window)
OmanGerman University of Technology (opens in a new window)
PeruUniversity San Ignacio de Loyola (opens in a new window)
PolandHumanitas University (opens in a new window)
PolandNicolaus Copernicus University (opens in a new window)
PolandWSB Merito University in Gdansk (opens in a new window)
PolandWSB Merito University in Torun (opens in a new window)
PortugalEuropean University of Lisbon - IADE (opens in a new window)
PortugalISLA - Polytechnic Institute of Management and Technology (opens in a new window)
PortugalNova Information Management School (opens in a new window)
RussiaNational University of Science and Technology (opens in a new window)
RwandaUniversity of Rwanda (opens in a new window) (*)
SenegalGaston Berger University (opens in a new window) (*)
SlovakiaComenius University Bratislava (opens in a new window)
SlovakiaSchool of Management (opens in a new window)
South AfricaCape Peninsula University of Technology (opens in a new window)
South AfricaUniversity of the Western Cape (opens in a new window)
South AfricaUniversity of the Witwatersrand (opens in a new window)
South KoreaHanyang University (opens in a new window)
South KoreaInha (opens in a new window)University (opens in a new window)
South KoreaKorea University (opens in a new window)
South KoreaSookmyung Women's University (opens in a new window)
South KoreaYeungnam University (opens in a new window)
SpainComplutense University of Madrid (opens in a new window)
SpainEDEM Business School (opens in a new window)
SpainRey Juan Carlos University (opens in a new window)
SpainUniversity of Cadiz (opens in a new window)
SpainUniversity of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (opens in a new window)
SpainUniversity of the Basque Country (opens in a new window)
SpainUniversity of Valencia (opens in a new window)
SpainUniversity of Zaragoza (opens in a new window)
SwitzerlandUniversity of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (opens in a new window) (*)
SwitzerlandUniversity of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (opens in a new window)
TaiwanNational Chengchi University (opens in a new window)
TaiwanNational Taipei University of Business (opens in a new window)
TanzaniaMuhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (opens in a new window) (*)
TanzaniaMzumbe University (opens in a new window) (*)
ThailandSrinakharinwirot University (opens in a new window)
ThailandThammasat Business School (opens in a new window)
TurkeyCankaya University (opens in a new window)
TurkeyIstanbul Kültür University (opens in a new window)
TurkeyMiddle East Technical University (opens in a new window)
TurkeyYasar University (opens in a new window)
UgandaUganda Management Institute (opens in a new window) (*)
USAHawai'i Pacific University (opens in a new window)
USAStockton University (opens in a new window)
USAUniversity of California Los Angeles (opens in a new window) (*)
VietnamForeign Trade University (opens in a new window)
VietnamRoyal Melbourne Institute of Technology (opens in a new window)
VietnamVietnam National University (VNU-UEB) (opens in a new window)
VietnamVietnamese German University (opens in a new window)

(*) no exchange semester for HNU students possible


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