Study Abroad

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What op­tions do I have?

  1. Ex­change semester at a part­ner uni­versity

    • as an exchange student
    • application via the International Office of the HNU
    • usually without tuition fees
    • chance to get scholarships from the HNU and external scholarships
  2. Double De­gree at a part­ner uni­versity

  3. Ex­change semester at any other uni­versity abroad

    • as a freemover
    • application via an exchange organization or directly at the host university
    • usually with placement or tuition fees
    • chance to get external scholarships
  4. Short-term stay at a part­ner uni­versity

Where can I get in­form­a­tion?

  1. Visit our info sessions
  2. Find out more on our website and the FAQ-section as well as on the search platform for exchange opportunities
  3. Sign up for the Moodle course "Services IO": here you will find field reports and recordings of the info sessions
  4. Look out for our notices, brochures and newsletters
  5. Clarify further questions in the International Front Office

Part­ner uni­versit­ies

Make sure that you check whether the partner university is suitable for your study plans! Pay particular attention to courses offered, language of instruction and semester times.

How do I ap­ply?

I want to spend a semester abroad at a partner university of the HNU! How does the application process work?

Re­cog­ni­tion of ex­ams from abroad

  • You can find an overview of already recognised exams from abroad in Moodle. In addition, other exams can also be recognised.
  • Please submit a preliminary application for recognition of exams before the semester abroad.
  • After the semester abroad, submit a transcript of records and an application for recognition.
  • Your contact point is the Examination Office of the HNU.

In­ter­na­tional Sum­mer Schools / In­ter­na­tional Winter Schools

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An overview of International Summer / Winter Schools at our partner universities or organized by Bavarian university centers can be found in our Moodle course "Services IO". In addition, in our search platform for exchange opportunities is noted if our partner universities offer a summer or winter school.


There are a variety of scholarship opportunities in order to obtain a financial contribuation for a semester abroad. You don't necessarily have to be one of the best, there are also scholarships that anyone can get!

Erasmus+ Blen­ded In­tens­ive Pro­gramme

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A Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) is a short-term programme in blended learning format. By participating in a BIP, students have the opportunity to take a specialised course that combines a virtual component with a short period of international mobility (min. 5 to max. 30 days). BIPs are usually offered in cooperation with our European partner universities. Participating students can earn at least 3 ECTS, depending on the content of the BIP, which can be recognised towards the completion of their degree. For participation in a BIP, Bachelor's and Master's students may be eligible for an Erasmus+ scholarship - depending on the funding available (participation in max. 2 BIPs possible).

In­ter­na­tional Of­fice – Stu­dent Ex­change Out­go­ing