
Application period
1.12.2024 - 15.1.2025
Application for exchange opportunities at partner universities for the winter semester 2025/26 or the summer semester 2026
(1st application round on all exchange spots)
Application for exchange opportunities at partner universities for the summer semester 2025
(2nd application round on remaining exchange spots)
Application link
Online application for exchange opportunities (opens in a new window) (only active during the application period)

How do I ap­ply?

I want to spend a semester abroad at a partner university of the HNU! How do I apply?

This is what you need to do

  1. Check courses offered, language of instruction and semester times at the universities of your choice.
  2. Apply online for up to five universities.
  3. Remember that every wish should be meant seriously.
  4. Check in Moodle if your desired courses can be recognized.
  5. When choosing a course, please note that you should obtain at least 15 ECTS abroad.

This is what we do

Applies to the allocation of exchange places for the winter semester 2024/25 and summer semester 2025

  1. from mid-June: checking of applications and allocation of exchange opportunities
  2. Mid-July: information to applicants
  3. nomination of outgoing students at partner universities between September and October (timing depends on the respective partner university)

Good to know

  • The HNU has enough tuition free exchange opportunities for all students!
  • Flexibility and "daring to try something new" pays off.
  • After approval by the International Office (IO) of the HNU, an application must be submitted to the partner university. However, after having been nominated by the IO, acceptance is almost certain.

Ap­plic­a­tion doc­u­ments

  1. Online application
    Follow the application link and complete the online form
  2. Photo
  3. Statement of motivation
    State your motivation for a semester abroad and for the university(s) of your choice (entry in the online form)
  4. Curriculum vitae
    Overview of your higher education and your practical experiences (entry in the online form)
  5. Transcript of records
    Overview of grades, stating all courses including failed attempts (upload of document)
  6. Language certificate
    Evidence of a satisfactory knowledge of the language of instruction (upload of document or entry in the online form, see info box "Language proof")

This is what mat­ters to us

  1. convincing letter of motivation which shows that you have researched the university of your choice in detail

  2. good academic reasons for the exchange semester

  3. meeting the language requirements

  4. at least one year of study experience at the beginning of the stay abroad (for bachelor students only)

Nice to have: You are an ambassador of your country and the HNU. Convince us that you have the right attitude!

Lan­guage cer­ti­fic­ate

Prerequisite for an exchange place is the B2 level in the language of instruction. In exceptional cases, the B1 level is also sufficient, if the partner university allows this. In case B1 is sufficient, you will find a note in the search platform for exchange opportunities (opens in a new window).

You have 4 possibilities to prove your language skills

  • If you have already achieved the language level as part of your studies, please note this in your online application. Your transcript of records will serve as proof.
  • If you have not yet taken the language exam as part of your studies, but will do so before the beginning of the semester abroad, upload a statement.
  • If you are not going to take the language exam as part of your studies before the start of your stay as a student, have your language skills confirmed by the HNU Language Centre and upload the language certificate.
  • If the language of instruction is your mother tongue, upload a certificate (e.g. passport copy).

If you are not sure which exam in your course of study will confirm the appropriate language level, please ask the HNU Language Centre.

In­ter­na­tional Of­fice – Stu­dent Ex­change Out­go­ing