Lan­guage Centre

Welcome to the Language Centre at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences!

The Language Centre is a central institution of the university which, in close cooperation with the faculties, offers general and subject-specific language courses in currently six different foreign languages and German as a foreign language. They are taught by qualified and experienced teachers (mostly native speakers). The range of courses on offer is expanded according to the requirements and needs of the students.



Our of­fer­ing

Languages (opens in a new window)
Learn about our language offerings
Our Team (opens in a new window)
Get to know our team
FAQ Section (opens in a new window)
Here you will find an overview of the most frequently asked questions
International Office (opens in a new window)
Find out about the opportunities to go abroad


 Languages are the archives of history.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

In­ter­na­tional News

News about international events related to HNU can be found on the website of our colleagues from the International Office. (opens in a new window)