
Since its foundation in 1994, the HNU has developed into an indispensable educational institution in the Neu-Ulm/Ulm region. Around 4.000 students are now completing their studies at our three faculties of Health Management, Information Management and Business and Economincs as well as at the Centre for Postgraduate Studies (opens in a new window)

[Translate to English:] Studierende vor der Hochschule Neu-Ulm

Per­fect mix of prac­tice and the­ory

Our success is based on close cooperation with the regional economy. Professors from practice, practical projects through cooperation with the economy and joint studies are the main focus of the university.

What makes HNU spe­cial?

Healthy uni­versity

As a health-conscious university, the HNU cooperates with the University of Ulm to enable students to participate in university sports. Health days are also held regularly at the HNU.

Fam­ily-friendly uni­versity

It is not always easy to reconcile study or work with leisure, family and friends. In order to support students and staff, HNU has taken numerous measures, set up services and has been awarded the certificate "family-friendly university" (opens in a new window) since 2008.

Sus­tain­ab­il­ity at the uni­versity

Sustainability is lived at HNU. Learn more about HNU's understanding of sustainability and various projects at the university.