Coun­selling Ser­vice BIZEPS


Advice and information centre for parents, personal and social issues

In order to make it easier for you to reconcile studying or work and family/private life, the HNU has set up a service centre which provides a wide range of information, advice and pragmatic support.


Counselling topics

Coun­selling in spe­cial life situ­ations

Pregnancy, stress, exams, financial problems ...

Study and work with child

Maternity leave, parental leave, home office, vacation semester...

Care of re­l­at­ives

Living wills, nursing levels, day care...

Fam­ily-friendly in­fra­struc­ture

Parent-child office, children's reading corner, nursing and nappy-changing room...

Cur­rent dates

At the moment we have no news

Image film "Du bist Familie"

"Du bist Familie"

Get an idea of what we at HNU mean by family!


Chris­toph Giebeler

Head of the Family and Social Counseling Center / BIZEPS

Healthy University Project Management

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1444

Location: Main Building B, B.2.06

To profile of Christoph Giebeler

Christoph Giebeler