
By joining the international radius network of research networks (in Germany: DFN-Roaming), it is now possible for research assistants, but also students from more and more member institutions, to access the Internet worldwide via WLAN without having to apply for guest access. All that is required is an access authorization from the home institution.

The aim of the project is to establish a pan-European roaming network - known as eduroam (see www.eduroam.org (opens in a new window)) based on the 802.1x protocol. HNU members travelling abroad can log on to the destination facility (if eduroam is also offered there) via 802.1X and get Internet access. The SSID (= the name of the WLAN) is normally eduroam.

How do I sign up?

For HNU users the information about connecting eduroam is available on the intranet.

Users from other institutions must contact them.

It is strongly recommended to try out the access at the home institution first before it is needed at a foreign location. The configuration can then normally be used without changes.