HNU Qual­ity Cycle

The four fields of ac­tion

The HNU quality cycle forms the structure for the quality management system in teaching and learning. It shows a classic Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle based on four fields of action (H1-H4). The fields of action exist on all five levels of the university - from the individual course to modules, study programs and scientific departments to the entire university - and each of them results in a closed quality cycle.

In keeping with the university's educational mission, students are at the center:

"We educate internationally experienced, solution-oriented thinking and responsibly acting future shapers."

Field of action 1 (H1) specifies clear objectives. These exist at the central (mission statement for teaching, university development plan, target agreements) and decentralized levels (development plans of the scientific departments and the Center for Postgraduate Studies, qualification goals of the degree programs and modules).

Field of action 2 (H2) covers optimal processes, i.e., the implementation of measures and offerings. Examples are the establishment or further development of study programs. To provide an overview, a process map was created for the area of studies and teaching, the processes of which are being developed and modeled step by step within the QMS of HNU.

Field of action 3 (H3) uses questions and answers to obtain feedback on measures implemented, processes (H2) and the degree to which objectives have been achieved (H1) in order to identify areas where action is needed. This is primarily done by means of surveys and data collection such as the student surveys or the graduate studies. The use of feedback instruments is regulated in HNU's feedback regulations.

Field of action 4 (H4) ensures that a lasting effect is achieved by analyzing and discussing the data obtained in H3 in committees such as the Steering Committee Innovative Teaching, the QMS team, in the Senate and in the Department Council, in order to be able to meet needs for action by setting new objectives and planning measures. This can be, for example, the further development of a study program or an improvement of the infrastructure.
