Di­versity and anti-dis­crim­in­a­tion

Di­versity at the HNU

The University of Applied Sciences in Neu-Ulm (HNU) promotes diversity and appreciation. All employees and students should experience this appreciation - regardless of age, ethnic origin and nationality, gender and gender identity, physical and mental abilities, religion and world view, sexual orientation and social origin.

The HNU creates the conditions for employees and students to recognize, share and live these values. On this page, we would like to keep you up to date on the activities that have already been carried out and those that are planned for the future.

Con­tacts and con­tact per­sons

Fa­bian Girschick

Anti-discrimination Officer at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1104

Location: Edisonallee 5, E5.2.01

To profile of Fabian Girschick

Fabian Girschick

Short Pro­file

Fabian Girschick, a member of staff in the InnoPROF project, has been the Diversity Officer at the University of Applied Sciences in Neu-Ulm since May 2023. In this role, he advises the university management, professors and other university employees on diversity issues and regularly implements various campaigns and events. First and foremost, however, he sees himself as a mouthpiece for the students, as he himself once studied IMUK at the HNU.

Anti-dis­crim­in­a­tion at the HNU

Anti-discrimination policy

The HNU does not tolerate discrimination, use of force, harassment or direct or indirect discrimination on the grounds of racial origin, gender, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual identity (cross-border misconduct).

Therefore, the HNU has established an anti-discrimination policy that details how to proceed in the event of any incidents of discrimination. The full anti-discrimination policy can be found below.

[Translate to English:] Viele Hände verschiedener Ethnien. Vereint für Gleichheit und gegen Diskriminierung.
Many hands of different ethnicities. United for equality and against discrimination.
Different, colored speech bubbles are held up
Language is different.

Inclusive communication at the HNU

In order to create a non-discriminatory environment, HNU would also like to use language that is as inclusive as possible in its communication. The HNU guidelines for inclusive communication provide guidance in this regard.

Have you ex­per­i­enced dis­crim­in­a­tion?

If you have experienced discrimination, you can report the incident to the HNU anti-discrimination officers, Christoph Giebeler and Prof. Dr. Judith Mantz. Click on "Message to ..." in the relevant person profile to contact the person directly.

Con­tact per­son and con­tact

Chris­toph Giebeler

Anti-discrimination Officer at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1444

Location: Main Building B, B.2.06

To profile of Christoph Giebeler

Christoph Giebeler

Pro­fess­orin Dr. Ju­dith Mantz

Anti-discrimination Officer at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1627

Location: Main Building B, B.1.14

To profile of Professorin Dr. Judith Mantz

Professorin Dr. Judith Mantz

Fur­ther in­form­a­tion

Queer life in Ulm

(opens in a new window)

On the website of the city of Ulm, you can find information about queer life in the region on a separate topic page.

Wo­men's rep­res­ent­at­ive

The women's representatives advise and support female students, academic staff, female teachers and female professors. They do this through personal counseling, seminars and workshops, networks, promotion of doctorates, and through their participation in university committees such as appointment committees and the senate.

Coun­sel­ing Cen­ter for Par­ents, Per­sonal and So­cial (BIZEPS)

To make it easier for you to combine your studies or career with your family/private life, the HNU has set up a service center that provides a wide range of information, advice and pragmatic assistance.