Qual­ity Man­age­ment

Qual­ity man­age­ment in stud­ies and teach­ing at the HNU

The central quality management in studies and teaching is part of the Center for Interdisciplinary, International and Engaged Learning (ZiieL) and is anchored at Prof. Dr. Kormann as Vice President for Studies, Teaching and Sustainability. Central QM complements and supports quality assurance and development in the scientific departments and in the Center for Postgraduate Studies.

The central and decentralized functionaries meet regularly in the "Steering Committee Innovative Teaching" and the "Team Quality Management System". These include the Vice President for Studies, Teaching and Sustainability, the Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Interdisciplinary Health, the Deans and Academic Deans of the faculties, the Senate President, the Center for Digital Teaching, the central QM, the head of the Department of Studies, and the student representatives.

Sys­tem and pro­gram ac­cred­it­a­tion at the HNU

All of HNU's degree programs are accredited or undergoing initial accreditation on schedule. HNU is currently on its way to system accreditation. The aim is to establish a comprehensive quality management system in order to continuously develop HNU's study programs. Successful completion of the process is planned for the summer semester of 2023.

The accreditation status of the study programs can be viewed in the database of the Accreditation Council (opens in a new window). There you will also find information about the results of the procedures and the experts involved.

More in­form­a­tion

HNU qual­ity cycle

HNU's quality management is based on four fields of action that result in a closed quality cycle.

Feed­back and data col­lec­tion

For the further development of studies and teaching, key figures are regularly collected and surveys are conducted.

Di­dactic train­ing courses of the BayZiel

The Didactics Center of the BayZiel offers a wide range of training courses for teachers at Bavarian universities.

Pro­cess data sheets, handouts and tem­plates

On the intranet you will find documents and help on the quality management system of HNU.
