Labor­at­ory & Re­search In­fra­struc­ture

Laboratories and research infrastructure

More room for innovation: Inspiring premises and state-of-the-art research infrastructure enrich the practice-oriented teaching and research at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences. Scientists and academics meet the challenges of tomorrow together with students and partners in practice.

Design Think­ing Lab

The Design Thinking Lab enables the sustainable development of technological innovations, the rapid construction of prototypes and can initiate change processes in the company.

GM-DocLab (Health­care Man­age­ment Labor­at­ory)

Taking anamnesis, suturing, intubating - practical practice is possible for students in the DocLab. We use the latest, comprehensive technology and train future Physician Assistants in a practical manner.

In­nov­a­tion Space

An inspiring place that enables students, researchers and companies to meet the challenges of the digital world in a creative environment and to create innovative solutions for mastering the digital transformation with design thinking, user experience design and lean management methods.

UX Test­ing and Us­ab­il­ity Lab

In order to enable all common usability survey methods and to map complex user experience processes - the UX testing and usability lab offers the optimal space for this. With its specific equipment, the laboratory is designed for a wide range of applications in teaching and applied research.

GM-Lab (Health­care Man­age­ment Labor­at­ory)

In the GM-Lab, scientists research and teach on the topic of digitalisation of medicine and care. Novel mobile digital technology for medicine is designed, built and tested. Telemedical applications, medical devices and anatomical models become tangible for students.

LogLab (Lo­gist­ics Labor­at­ory)

Tomorrow's logistics - what will it look like, what will determine it? How and in what role will people work in the logistics of tomorrow? And how will value creation and business models change? The logistics laboratory offers space and equipment for research and teaching in this area.

Founders Space

The HNU Founders Space offers you the right environment to get started with your start-up project. Get inspired by the innovatively equipped location and gain access to the HNU Founders Community.

IMA Labor­at­ory (In­form­a­tion Man­age­ment Auto­mot­ive Labor­at­ory)

Solutions for the future of mobility - In the IMA laboratory, scientists, students and practice partners research, teach and develop on the latest mobility topics, the use of algorithms, business processes in logistics and supply chain networks and their data bases.

Me­dia Centre

The media laboratory makes it possible to develop innovative presentation formats for different content, to produce them and to investigate in an iterative process how they are received by different target groups.