IMA Labor­at­ory (In­form­a­tion Man­age­ment Auto­mot­ive Labor)


Solutions for the future of mobility - In the IMA laboratory, scientists, students and practice partners research, teach and develop on the latest mobility topics, the use of algorithms, business processes in logistics and supply chain networks and their data bases.

Laboratory team
Prof. Joerg-Oliver Vogt
Prof. Tobias Engel
Prof. Martin Stirzel,
Prof. Dany Meyer,
Prof. Manfred Plechaty
Dietmar Gräf

Top­ics and fields of ap­plic­a­tion re­search, teach­ing, trans­fer

The current working areas of the laboratory include the following topics:

  • Development of innovative mobility applications 
  • Construction and validation of autonomous electric vehicles 
  • Application exercises by students on real products 
  • Development and testing of algorithms on function carriers and model vehicles 
  • Business and IT processes in the supply chain or in logistics networks (material and information flow) 
  • Industry 4.0 Applications and solutions 
  • Supply Chain Analytics, Big Data and Business Analytics and Intelligence

Spe­cific labor­at­ory equip­ment and fa­cil­it­ies

  • ElektroJeep (self-construction)
  • Mini (experimental vehicle)
  • Electric, digital drive-by-wire steering, gas/brake system (template for autonomous control)
  • Autonomously driving model vehicles 
  • Exhibits automotive engineering
  • autonomous robots
  • Computer workstations
  • BDE / MES systems (Rasperi Pi's)
  • Production Tables
  • Industry 4.0 - Applications
  • Supply Chain Management Simulation Game
Professor Manfred A. Plechaty

Pro­fessor Man­fred A. Ple­chaty

Managing Director of the „Institute for Digital Transformation“

Information Management

Internship Coordinator for Information Management Automotive

To profile of Professor Manfred A. Plechaty

Danny Meyer

Pro­fess­orin Dr. Dany Meyer

Professor of Software Engineering

Deputy women's representative of the university

Study Advisor Data Science Management

Extraordinary Professor at the University of the Western Cape - Cape Town (South Africa)

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1511

Location: Main Building A, A.1.41

To profile of Professorin Dr. Dany Meyer