GM-DocLab (Health­care Man­age­ment Labor­at­ory)

In the DocLab, scientists research and teach on the topic of digitisation of medicine and care. Innovative mobile digital technology for medicine is designed, built and tested. Telemedical applications, medical devices and anatomical models become tangible for students.

The interdisciplinary training centre DocLab stands for practical and professional training of students in the Physician Assistant course of studies at the HNU. Here, practical medical skills are taught in the DocLab rooms with teaching and seminar rooms including realistically equipped anamnesis and examination stations for teaching practice. The aim is objective standardised clinical practice and examination to ensure quality.

Professorin Dr. Judith Mantz

Pro­fess­orin Dr. Ju­dith Mantz

Professor Physician Assistant

Laboratory Manager DocLab

Women's Representative of the Faculty of Health Management

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1627

Location: Main Building B, B.1.14

To profile of Professorin Dr. Judith Mantz

video in German

Ac­quis­i­tion of com­pet­en­cies

The DocLab ensures the practical training of Neu-Ulm students. The interdisciplinary DocLab curriculum prepares our students from the first semester onwards specifically for their future professional life. The most important medical skills, from taking blood samples to difficult patient conversations, are trained on simulators, in role-plays or in complex simulation scenarios during the course of studies. The training sessions can be transmitted via video equipment. This allows for targeted feedback.

 We analyse

We make anamnesis

We communicate

We sew

We practice

We use technology

We train practically

We simulate

We intubate

Prac­tical train­ing

Since the summer semester 2020, students have had the opportunity to learn or deepen practical skills.

Guided prac­tice (AÜ)

with trained doctors

The students are trained in important medical skills using models and simulators by trained doctors.

Free prac­tice (FÜ)

under the supervision of tutors

Students can use models and simulators to practise skills from different subject areas either independently or under tutorial supervision. Organised by the tutors of the DocLabs and department heads, students can learn important skills at basic and advanced levels in the departments of surgery, internal medicine, emergency medicine, sonography on Friday afternoons between 4 p.m. and 7 p.m.

The student tutors employed within the Peer Assisted Learning concept are all professionally and didactically trained. Students from higher semesters are trained by the medical department heads. 

The tutors provide individual feedback to our students, which is of central importance for personal learning success.

Sim­u­la­tion pa­tients (SP)

With the help of acting patients (SP), the students' communication skills are trained in the DocLab. SP are specially trained amateur actors and actresses. They are used to practise communicative and practical techniques in medical education. 

They represent patients so that medical students, doctors and members of other health professions can practice examination techniques, conversation and professional behaviour without burdening real patients with such training.

In intensive training sessions with doctors and drama trainers, the SP work on the authentic embodiment of the biography and symptoms.

Spe­cific labor­at­ory equip­ment & fa­cil­it­ies

Equipment and course material

  • Video camera, rolling stand, transmission technology, flat screen (planned)
  • Digital rounds trolley, electronic patient file (planned)
  • Digital anatomy table (planned)
  • Div. medical consumables (especially wound care)
  • Medical training material
  • examination couches
  • Ultrasound model for sonography, Basic learning device
  • Monitoring unit for vital parameters
  • ECG unit, Basic learning device
  • Vascular Doppler
  • Finger Pulse Oximeter
  • Anatomical models
  • Training skeleton
  • Surgical practice suture set
  • Examination sets blood pressure measuring devices, stethoscope, reflex hammer, Ecolight diagnostic lamp, tourniquet
  • Tuning fork with foot
  • ear thermometer
  • Otoscope
  • Sugar meter
  • Alcohol measuring device
  • Infusion device, ventilation for pressure and gravity infusion
  • Practice material laboratory, injection, blood sampling
  • Gastric tube
  • Test for hygienic hand washing
  • Medical laboratory equipment - Learning laboratory/learning devices
  • Spirometer for lung function diagnostics, Basic learning device
  • Rectal manikin, rectal examination model
  • Intradermal Injection Simulator
  • Training model intradermal, subcutaneous and intramuscular injection
  • Simulator for intramuscular injection
  • Training arm with hand for intravenous, intramuscular and subcutaneous injection
  • Simulator suction technology - Nose/Stomach probe
  • Central Vein Catheter Simulator
  • Vaccination Coach
  • Doll for blood collection, portable injection trainer IV arm and hand
  • Eye examination simulator
  • intubation device
  • Respiratory bag, Ambu bag
  • Medication dummies
  • auscultation trainer
  • Ear Examination Simulator
  • Pelvis examination model
  • Gynaecological examination simulator
  • Breast palpation simulator for clinical training
  • Male bladder catheter model
  • Exercise model men's health
  • Female bladder catheter model
  • Reanimation doll
  • Intubation trainer adult
  • Exercise defibrillator / AED Trainer
  • Rescue Anne Trainer
  • GM Lab: Virtual Reality Environment
  • GM Lab: Age simulation suit

Dis­cover the Phys­i­cian As­sist­ant pro­gramme

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