In­nov­a­tion Space

Visit our Innovation Space on the HNU campus - an inspiring place where students and companies come together in a creative environment to master the challenges of the digital world. With us, Creative Spaces are available for you to develop innovative solutions for digital transformation using Design Thinking, User Experience Design and Lean Management methods. In addition, we offer rapid prototyping/model building and virtual as well as augmented reality applications to put your ideas into practice. 

The In­nov­a­tion Space

Our Innovation Space is more than just a room. It is the place where ideas come to life, where students learn and create in inspiring lectures and workshops, and where exciting events like the HNU Design Talk take place. It is all about Science, Prototyping and Creative Experiences.

Together, we promote innovation and shape the future. We look forward to welcoming you to our Innovation Space events and activities!

Innovation Space - Pictures

For gen­eral en­quir­ies and ques­tions, please con­tact us by e-mail: 


All around the Space

360° Introduction Video

Specific laboratory equipment / facilities

The premises and equipment are specially equipped for the requirements of dynamic and cooperative processes, for building prototypes, for the use of 3D printers for visualising virtual prototypes and the associated production facilities. The application and use of digital technologies can be researched, developed and made accessible to practice partners.

The equipment includes:

  • Flexible, stimulating equipment for creative work processes.
  • Rooms for holding workshops and teaching
  • Several 3D printing systems for rapid prototyping
  • Mixed reality lab for virtual prototyping and MR application development
  • Classic model building space for design thinking processes and complementary to digital prototyping
  • Digital technologies for application and further development in business processes and for research scopes

Please feel free to visit us in the Innovation Space at John-F.-Kennedy-Straße 7 in Neu-Ulm .

You can find out more about the reservation process here here.

HNU Design Talk

In a relaxed atmosphere in HNU's Innovation Space, renowned experts get to the bottom of important questions relating to design, innovation and user experience and cordially invite their audience to join them in their search for clues. The Design Talk usually takes place twice a semester and is advertised shortly beforehand.

The talk will take place in our in-house creative forge - the Innovation Space. Between cool drinks, small snacks and good music, you can philosophize and, above all, discuss.

When: The next HNU Design Talk will take place in the summer semester 2024 and will be announced before. 
Where: Innovation Space, John-F.-Kennedy-Straße 7, 89231 Neu-Ulm

Places are limited and participation is free of charge!


Would you like to learn more about the Innovation Space?

Then follow us on Instagram and stay up to date.


In the Innovation Space, you can expect a wide range of hardware and software to support you in generating and realizing ideas. The following equipment gives you an overview of what you can expect. Students can use the equipment as part of their courses. You can find more detailed information in our Moodle course (opens in a new window).


[Translate to English:] Unser Equipment


Here you will find an overview of all our equipment.

CNC milling

CNC milling is a high-precision machining process based on computer-aided machine control.

Laser Cut­ter

In laser cutting, a solid is removed with the help of a laser. Almost any type of material can be cut or embossed.

Film plot­ter

The cutting plotter is fully automatically controlled by the computer. It can be used for cutting objects from self-adhesive materials.

3D print­ing

3D printing is an "additive process" in which the material is applied layer by layer. This is done computer-controlled over several axes.

Screen print­ing

Screen printing is a stencil printing process. In contrast to conventional stencils, very detailed graphics can also be reproduced.

Brief insight into the Innovation Space

Room dis­tri­bu­tion

For gen­eral en­quir­ies and ques­tions, please con­tact us by e-mail: 


Contact person

Patrizia Franzreb

Pro­fess­orin Pa­tri­cia Fran­zreb

Head of the Innovation Space

Head of the Centre for Media & User Experience

Deputy Women's Representative of the Department of Information Management

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1533

Location: Main Building A, A1.43

To profile of Professorin Patricia Franzreb

[Translate to English:] Professor Danny Franzreb

Pro­fessor Danny Fran­zreb

Head of the Centre for Media & User Experience

Head of the Innovation Space

Responsible for study focus Media & Communications

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1515

Location: Main Building A, A.1.42

To profile of Professor Danny Franzreb

Nik­las Müller

Laboratory Manager Innovation Space

first aider

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1581

Location: John-F.Kennedy-Str. 5-7, I.0.07

To profile of Niklas Müller