UX Test­ing and Us­ab­il­ity Labor


In order to enable all common usability survey methods and to map complex user experience processes - the UX testing and usability lab offers the optimal space for this. With its specific equipment, the laboratory is designed for a wide range of applications in teaching and applied research.

Main areas of research
Consumer and working worlds
In our e-learning course "UX Testing and Usability Lab" you will find a public calendar for this.

Ak­tuelle In­form­a­tionen

The UX testing and usability laboratory is available again for the following use cases, taking into account the security concept:
- Studies for Bachelor theses
- Studies for Master Theses
- Practical courses (incl. teaching)
Security concept for the COVID19 pandemic
Please note and follow the security measures from the " (opens in a new window)Sicherheitskonzept des UX-Testing und Usability Labors zur COVID19-Pandemie" (opens in a new window).
[Translate to English:] Innenaufnahme UX-Testing und Usability-Labor

Top­ics and fields of ap­plic­a­tion re­search, teach­ing, trans­fer

  • User experience of a product (test planning, execution and analysis)
  • User Centered Design
  • Human Machine Interaction
  • Usability Consulting & Evaluation
  • Emotion recognition
  • Interactive, technical documents
  • Media design
  • User and usage behaviour
  • Business and consumer journalism


Spe­cific labor­at­ory equip­ment and fa­cil­it­ies

The special feature of the laboratory is the equipment with several state-of-the-art eye tracking systems, which record the fixation points of the eyes and their saccades (eye movements) and thus make them analysable. The stationary eye tracker TOBII X3-120 enables the efficient analysis of screen-based applications such as websites or software systems. The evaluation of the recorded data is easier to implement due to the beginner-friendly software TOBII Pro Lab, especially for students and non-user experience specialists.

The software iMotions complements the stationary test set-up. It analyses the facial expressions of the test person and uses an algorithm to calculate their emotions in detail. This allows exclusive insights into unconscious, unfiltered reactions to be gained.

Ad­vanced meth­ods for UX Test­ing and Us­ab­il­ity Ana­lysis

Tablet or smartphone applications can be studied using the mobile eye tracker Pupil Labs. In mobile scenarios outside the laboratory, the lightweight eye tracker glasses from Pupil Labs are also used. This opens up a wide range of possibilities for testing different objects of investigation (e.g. game consoles, navigation systems etc.) in free and casual test situations. Due to the low weight and the light design of the Pupil Labs eye tracker, it can be worn like normal glasses (also additionally for spectacle wearers) and therefore especially provide eye observation in safety-critical scenarios, e.g. during a car journey.

Furthermore, the laboratory is equipped with a number of technical aids such as remote-controlled, high-resolution MANGOLD ceiling cameras, boundary microphones and computers with specific observation documentation software INTERACT.


Barbara Brandstetter

Pro­fess­orin Dr. Bar­bara Brand­stet­ter

Women's Representative of the Department of Information Management

Head of the Centre for Media & User Experience

To profile of Professorin Dr. Barbara Brandstetter

[Translate to English:] Professor Danny Franzreb

Pro­fessor Danny Fran­zreb

Head of the Centre for Media & User Experience

Head of the Innovation Space

Responsible for study focus Media & Communications

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1515

Location: Main Building A, A.1.42

To profile of Professor Danny Franzreb

Patrizia Franzreb

Pro­fess­orin Pa­tri­cia Fran­zreb

Head of the Innovation Space

Head of the Centre for Media & User Experience

Deputy Women's Representative of the Department of Information Management

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1533

Location: Main Building A, A1.43

To profile of Professorin Patricia Franzreb