Re­ser­va­tion In­nov­a­tion Space

Book­ing Dead­lines

Until 1th October, 2023, all reservation requests (teaching) for the winter semester 2023/24 will be collected and subsequently screened, evaluated and granted or cancelled.

Until 1th February, 2024 you can submit reservation requests for the summer semester 2024 and until August 2024 requests for the winter semester 2024/25.


Re­ser­va­tion pro­cess

Booking Teaching:

Please note: The Innovation Space can only be booked alone for courses in exceptional cases. Therefore, always book a main lecture room (not the Innovation Space) for lesson planning with the secretariats.

  1. Please create your appointments in Outlook and invite one or both of the desired rooms to these appointments (,
  2. Then fill out the form below to assess the time and content of your event. (In the automatic reply you will also receive the link to the reservation page again).
  3. All applications will be collected for the coming semester by the date specified.
  4. The applications received will be assessed by the laboratory management at the specified time and then approved or cancelled.

Booking Internal, Research and Transfer:

  1. Please create your appointments in Outlook and invite both rooms to these appointments, even if you only need one room (,
  2. Then fill out the form below to assess the time and content of your event. (In the automatic reply you will also receive the link to the reservation page again).
  3. The acceptance of events in the lecture period is always subject to reservation (priority teaching) up to the mentioned assessment date. Events in the current semester will be assessed directly in terms of content and accepted or cancelled.

Reservation Innovation Space

Preferred Rooms (at least on of the following fields is required)
Additional Rooms

Fields marked with asterisks ("*") are required