
The three main bodies of the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) are the University Executive Board, the Academic Senate and the University Advisory Board. The University Executive Board decides on the HNU's orientation and ongoing business, whereas the Academic Senate and University Advisory Board are responsible for adopting resolutions and advisory duties.

An additional body of the university is the Board of Trustees, in which renowned personalities from science, business and society volunteer their time to provide impetus for the further development of the university.

In addition, the university has administrative units such as finance, human resources and facility management, as well as various staff units.

The university's organisation chart visually depicts the university's organisation:

Or­gan­iz­a­tion Chart (DE) (opens in a new window)


Uni­versity Ex­­ec­ut­ive Board & Bod­ies

Uni­versity Ex­ec­ut­ive Board

The Uni­versity Ex­ec­ut­ive Board decides on the direction and day-to-day business of the university.

Aca­demic Sen­ate

The Senate is a central body of the university. It plays an essential role in the strategic orientation of the university in research, study and teaching.

Uni­versity Ad­vis­ory Board

The University Advisory Board is a central body of the university. Its tasks include the election of presidents or the establishment, amendment and abolition of study programmes.

Board of Trust­ees

The Board of Trustees acts as a source of ideas for the development of the university and represents the university's interests in public.

Ad­min­is­tra­tion units

Hu­man Re­sources

The unit provides advice and support in all areas related to human resources.


The Finance Department is responsible for drawing up, implementing and monitoring the budget of Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences.

Stud­ies & Ex­am­in­a­tion

The Study and Examination Departments are responsible for organising the university's study operations. In addition, they are contact, information and counselling points for all questions related to studying.

Fa­cil­ity Man­age­ment

The Facility Management department is responsible for the operation, management, maintenance and care of the university's buildings and outdoor facilities.

Staff po­s­i­tions

Legal Af­fairs

The Legal Affairs Office is responsible for all legal matters at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences.

Safety at work

The Occupational Safety and Health Unit provides advice on the implementation of and compliance with occupational health and safety laws and regulations.