HNU World­wide Com­munity

As an International Business School, the HNU offers all its members various opportunities to gain international experience. The HNU Worldwide Community connects internationally mobile students, lecturers and staff.

Get inspired by the reports of your fellow students and colleagues and start planning your stay abroad!

HNU Stu­dents World­wide

Stories from abroad

26.06.2024, Study Abroad: Bente and Char­lotte in Canada

Bente and Charlotte studied for four months at one of our three partner universities in Canada. Here, you can read all about their experiences.

22.05.2024, Study Abroad: Joshua in Por­tugal

Joshua is spending a semester abroad at one of our two partner universities in Lisbon. Find out how he's getting on here.

HNU Staff World­wide

Stories from abroad

08.04.2024, Train­ing: Fa­bian Girschick in Hun­gary

Fabian Girschick spent a few days in Budapest as part of the IBS International Business School Staff Week in October 2023. Find out about Fabian Girschick's experiences here.

15.11.2023, Teach­ing: Prof. Dr. Al­ex­an­der Wür­fel in Fin­land

Since 2017, Prof. Dr. Alexander Würfel has been regularly travelling to our partner university in Kajaani in Finland to give lectures. You can read all about his experiences here.

Im­pres­sions of the HNU World­wide Com­munity

How can I take part?

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In­ter­na­tional Of­fice – Gen­eral en­quir­ies

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