HNU Staff World­wide

Every employee in all departments at the HNU can include a stay abroad. It's best to get an initial overview right away and come to us with any questions. We will be happy to support you in making your jump to another country possible!



Stories from our staff members

08.04.2024, Train­ing: Fa­bian Girschick in Hun­gary

Fabian Girschick spent a few days in Budapest as part of the IBS International Business School Staff Week in October 2023. Find out about Fabian Girschick's experiences here.

15.11.2023, Teach­ing: Prof. Dr. Al­ex­an­der Wür­fel in Fin­land

Since 2017, Prof. Dr. Alexander Würfel has been regularly travelling to our partner university in Kajaani in Finland to give lectures. You can read all about his experiences here.

14.09.2023, Train­ing: Nikola Finze in Ice­land

Nikola Finze works at the Center for Research on Service Sciences (CROSS) and participated in a research project at the Reykjavik University. You can discover her experiences here.

30.08.2023, Train­ing: Mar­tina Brüchle in Fin­land

Martina Brüchle from the Faculty of Health Management spent a Staff Week at one of our partner universities in Finland. Find out here what impressions she gained in the happiest country in the world.

14.04.2022, Train­ing: Robin Renoth in Gal­way

Robin Renoth was in Galway, Ireland with the Staff Mobility Programme to complete a course. You can read all about his experience here.

14.04.2022, Train­ing: Ver­ena Seitz in Bil­bao

Verena Seitz spent a Staff Training Week in Bilbao, Spain. Read here about her experiences.

30.11.2021, Train­ing: Melanie Jak­ubow­ski in Malta

Melanie Jakubowski attended a language course in Malta. You can read about her impressions here.