HNU Stu­dents World­wide

Every student in all degree programmes at the HNU can include a stay abroad in their studies - even at short notice. And even better: it's never too late! Even after you graduate, you still have the opportunity to go abroad with our support.
Get an initial overview right away and come to us with any questions. We'll be happy to help you make the jump to another country!


Stories from our students

26.06.2024, Study Abroad: Bente and Char­lotte in Canada

Bente and Charlotte studied for four months at one of our three partner universities in Canada. Here, you can read all about their experiences.

22.05.2024, Study Abroad: Joshua in Por­tugal

Joshua is spending a semester abroad at one of our two partner universities in Lisbon. Find out how he's getting on here.

08.05.2024, In­ter­na­tional Ex­change Stu­dents: Laura from Spain

Exchange student Laura from the capital of Spain, Madrid, spent her fourth semester at HNU. Find out more about her experiences here.

24.04.2024, In­ter­na­tional Ex­change Stu­dents: Mahsa from Tur­key

The master's student Mahsa from Izmir in Turkey spent a winter semester at our university. Find out about her experiences here.

10.04.2024, Study Abroad: Tom in South Africa

Tom spent a semester at our partner university in Cape Town, South Africa. You can find out more about his stay abroad here.

13.03.2024, Study Abroad: Luis in Fin­land

Luis is spending his semester abroad at our partner university in the Finnish city of Lahti. Find out about his experiences so far here.

14.02.2024, Study Abroad: Hü­seyin in Fin­land

Hüseyin spent a semester abroad at our partner university in Oulu, Finland. Find out here what impressions the WIN student made there.

31.01.2024, Study Abroad: In­di­ana und Sophie in Fin­land

Indiana and Sophie spent 5 months at our partner university in Oulu, Finland. Here, you can read all about their experiences.

24.01.2024, Study Abroad: Claudia in China

After Claudia visited Inha University in South Korea for three weeks during the summer of 2022 as part of a Summer School, she decided to pursue a semester abroad at one of our five partner…

10.01.2024, Study Abroad: Maxime in Bel­gium

Maxime is studying at one of our three partner universities in Belgium. Here you can read all about his experiences.

03.01.2024, Study Abroad: Nick in Por­tugal

Nick is studying abroad at one of our two partner universities in Lisbon. Find out how he is getting on here.

20.12.2023, In­tern­ship Abroad: Nina and Em­ilie in Tan­zania

Nina and Emilie are studying in the Bachelor's programme for Physician Assistant and completed their clinical traineeship in Moshi, Tanzania. Here you can read about the experiences they had during…

13.12.2023, Study Abroad: Nina in Fin­land

Nina is spending her 7th semester at our partner university in the Finnish capital. Read here about the experiences she has had so far.

11.10.2023, Study Abroad: Lisa and Ju­lia in Malay­sia

Lisa and Julia spent a semester abroad at one of our three partner universities in Malaysia. Find out what impressions the two students experienced in the Southeast Asian country.

13.09.2023, In­tern­ship Abroad: Armin in Canada

Armin opted for a foreign internship in Montreal and worked there in the project management of the software company Cerence Technologies. Here, the student of Industrial Engineering shares his…

26.07.2023, Study Abroad: Amélie in Spain

Amélie spent a semester abroad at one of our Spanish partner universities in Zaragoza. Read here about the experiences of the IMUK student.

28.06.2023, In­tern­ship Abroad: Mar­lene in Nor­way

Marlene spent her internship in the Norwegian capital. Discover more about her experiences abroad and how they enriched her life.

17.05.2023, Study Abroad: Ann-Kath­rin and Janne in Fin­land

Janne and Ann-Kathrin completed their double degree at our partner university in Oulu, Finland. Here you can read about the impressions that the two IMUK students have made.

19.04.2023, In­tern­ship Abroad: Anna in the USA

Anna completed an internship abroad at an American subsidiary of Wieland Group. Here she reports on her experiences.

05.04.2023, Study Abroad: Dary­ush in Mex­ico

Daryush visited one of our three partner universities in Mexico. You can read all about his experience here.

15.03.2023, In­tern­ship Abroad: Sab­rina in Aus­tria

Having already spent time studying abroad in Portugal, Sabrina also took up the offer to complete an internship after her studies in an Austrian company. Here she reports on her experience.

01.03.2023, Study Abroad: Jen­nifer in Hawaii

Jennifer spent a semester abroad at our partner university in the island paradise of Hawaii. In her report, she tells us about her experiences.

15.02.2023, Study Abroad: Es­mer­alda in Eng­land

Esmeralda was in England at Leeds Beckett University in the winter semester 2022/23. You can read all about her experience here.

01.02.2023, In­­ter­­n­a­­tional De­­gree-Seek­ing Stu­dents: Mo­hit in Ar­gen­tina

Mohit came to HNU from India as a full-time international student and completed the 2nd semester of his Master's degree in Business Intelligence and Business Analytics in Argentina. You can read about…

18.01.2023, In­tern­ship Abroad: Emily in Sweden

Emily decided to do an internship abroad in Stockholm and worked there in the marketing department of the printing studio Zisser Textile Design. Here she reports on her experiences.

04.01.2023, Study Abroad: Si­mone and Lisa in Fin­land

Simone and Lisa spent a semester abroad at our partner university in Oulu, Finland. Find out here what impressions the two IMUK students made in the happiest country in the world.

21.12.2022, Study Abroad: Paula in Peru

HNU also cooperates with partner universities in Latin America. Paula took advantage of this offer and spent a semester in Peru.

30.11.2022, Study Abroad: Kylie in Bel­gium

Kylie decided to spend her 6th semester at our partner university in Leuven, a Belgian city located about 20 kilometres east of Brussels. You can read aboout Kylie's impressions here.

28.09.2022, Study Abroad: Claudia in South Korea

Summer and winter schools last only one to three weeks and often take place during the lecture-free period. Claudia took up this offer and visited the Inha University in South Korea in the summer of…

31.08.2022, Study Abroad: Atena in Mad­rid

Atena spent a semester abroad at our partner university Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid. Read here about her experiences.

17.08.2022, In­tern­ship Abroad: Be­dirhan in Tur­key

Bedirhan completed his internship abroad in the marketing and export department of a packaging printing company in Istanbul. Here he reports on his experiences.

20.07.2022, Study Abroad: Ju­li­ane in Hun­gary

Juliane spent her 8th semester at our partner university in the capital of Hungary. Read here about her impressions in the Eastern European metropolis.

18.05.2022, Study Abroad: Paula in Canada

Paula spent 4 months in Canada at Wilfrid Laurier University in Brantford. You can read all about her experience here.

13.04.2022, Study Abroad: Sab­rina in Por­tugal

Sabrina spent her 8th semester at our partner university in Lisbon. In this report she tells us about her experiences.

09.02.2022, Study Abroad: Lea in Por­tugal

Lea studied abroad at one of our two partner universities in Lisbon. Learn more about her stay abroad here.

08.12.2021, Study Abroad: David in Fin­land

David spent 10 months at our partner university in Oulu, Finland. Here you can read all about his experiences.