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Emily in Sweden

18.01.2023, Internship Abroad:

Emily decided to do an internship abroad in Stockholm and worked there in the marketing department of the printing studio Zisser Textile Design. Here she reports on her experiences.
Study Programme
6th semester
Zisser Textile Design
Stockholm, Sweden
September 2022 to January 2023

What was your main motivation to go abroad?

I knew from the beginning that I would like to do my internship abroad. I love travelling, getting to know new countries and cultures. I can also very well imagine living and working abroad in the future. For me, this internship was a great opportunity to get first impressions. I also wanted to take on the challenge and get out of my comfort zone.

I can very well imagine living and working abroad in the future. For me, this internship was a great opportunity to get first impressions.


What were your biggest concerns?

Actually, I had no worries. I was just looking forward to the time and the experience. I was just a bit nervous, because you have to organise everything on your own when you do an internship abroad, so you don't really know anyone there. But on site, everything worked out great and easy and I met such great people.

Fun Fact

Fika is the daily highlight for the Swedes and also for me!!! That's why the fika break is always remembered, even during work. On the one hand, it describes the coffee break with cinnamon buns. But actually it means much more to the Swedes. You spend time with people you like, be it colleagues, friends or family. It's a time to simply enjoy time and relieve stress. A daily must for everyone here!

Would you recommend a stay abroad? Why?

Yes, definitely! I would recommend it to everyone! It really is a unique experience. You learn an incredible amount about yourself, become more independent, open-minded and self-confident. You also have the opportunity to see beautiful cities and landscapes and meet great people from all over the world.

What did you learn from your stay abroad?

Just enjoy every moment!!! Even if you have days when things might not be going so well or you miss people/things from home... that's completely normal! And who knows when I will have the opportunity to live and work in Sweden again.

Nyckelvikens Nature Reserve offers a great view of Stockholm

Were your expectations met?

Definitely! Stockholm is really a beautiful city and I felt so comfortable here. Of course, the darkness and cold sometimes takes a little getting used to, but Christmas time here was really special for that. I am very happy that I made the decision to come to Stockholm to work and I definitely want to come back to experience the Swedish summer.

Impressions of Sweden