Team & Contact
Weitere Studiengangsleitungen
Professorin Dr. Sylvia Schafmeister
Dean of the Department of Health Management
Head of the degree programme Management for Health and Care Professions (B.A.)
Head of the degree programme Leadership and Management in Healthcare (MBA)
Message to Professorin Dr. Sylvia Schafmeister
Phone: +49 731 /9762-1600
Location: Main Building B, B.1.08
Professor Dr. Patrick Da-Cruz
Internship Coordinator for Business Studies in Healthcare Management
Academic Advisor and Head of the degree programme MBA in Leadership and Management in Healthcare
Alumni Representative for Healthcare Management
Professor Dr. Thomas Hänichen
Head of the degree programme MBA General Management
Director of the „Institute for Digital Transformation“
Professor Dr. Achim Dehnert
Dean of the Department of Information Management
Academic Advisor for Information Management Automotive
Head of the degree programme MBA Digital Leadership und IT-Management
Data protection officer of the faculties
Professor Dr. Johannes Schobel
Research professor in the field of "Digital Medicine and Care
Academic Advisor and Head of the degree programme Health Informatics (B.Sc.)
Mitarbeiterinnen Serviceabteilung
Stefanie Hartfield
Deputy Head of Department
Program Manager Master's degrees
Centre for Postgraduate and Professional Studies
Annika Ruß
Program Manager Bachelor's degrees
Centre for Postgraduate and Professional Studies
Anna Wittmann
Program Manager Professional Training Programs
Centre for Postgraduate and Professional Studies
Christa Stöhr
Exam organisation
Centre for Postgraduate and Professional Studies
Yasemin Yurtseven
Marketing Manager
Centre for Postgraduate and Professional Studies
Rebecca Vogel
Program Manager Professional Training Programs
Centre for Postgraduate and Professional Studies