Castle Vöh­lin Sem­inar Centre

The Bavarian-Swabian universities in Augsburg, Kempten and Neu-Ulm have been able to use the Castle Vöhlin Seminar Centre (opens in a new window) (opens in a new window) since 2010 as a representative location for further education, meetings and conferences as well as for cultural events.

Pos­sible uses

Business start-up

Fully equipped office with three workstations for student start-up teams

Further education and training

Seminar and training programme for students, management seminars for industry, strategy workshops, staff training at universities

Conferences and meetings

Panel discussions, business talks, meetings and conferences of university bodies, faculties, competence centres and university departments as well as companies, clubs and associations

Art and culture

Studium Generale, interdisciplinary programme, exhibitions of regional artists, festive events

The university centre has five seminar rooms for up to 24 participants each, two conference rooms for up to 100 participants, an entrance hall and two foyers. In addition, "Gründerraum" can be offered to student start-up teams. All rooms are equipped with the latest media and presentation technology. Use is free of charge for the Augsburg, Kempten and Neu-Ulm Universities of Applied Sciences.

Ac­cess and park­ing


Illertissen is located near the three universities in Augsburg, Kempten and Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences and can be reached from there in 30 to 60 minutes.

Arrival by public transport

To get to the Castle Vöhlin Seminar Centre (bus stop Rathaus), take bus lines 920, 701 or 813 from Illertissen railway station and then walk 400 metres from the Rathaus stop to the castle.

Alternative: Walk from the station to the Castle Vöhlin Seminar Centre
(about 15 minutes).

Getting there by car

Highway A7, exit Illertissen, at the roundabout exit "Vöhlinschloss, Museen", direction centre, then turn left into Schlossallee

State road 2031: Illertissen, at the Hirschkreuzung turn towards the town hall, then continue uphill until the next junction, turn right into Schlossallee

Illertissen, city centre: Information boards for footpaths to the local history museum from "Steige"/ Vöhlinstraße


Parking spaces are available in the immediate vicinity in front of the hotel at the castle. Furthermore, it is possible to park along Schlossallee (only uphill and on the right!) and Vöhlinstraße. Further parking spaces are available in the city centre in the Schranne/Rathaus car park. It is not permitted to enter the castle courtyard.

Visit the Castle Vöh­lin Sem­inar Centre vir­tu­ally.


Werner Mar­tin

Managing Director & Scientific Coordinator HVS

Phone: +49 731 /9762-2951

Location: Schlossallee 25, 89257 Illertissen

To profile of Werner Martin

Werner Martin