Mental Health First Aid-Network
We don't always feel good at the same time,
sometimes we even feel really bad.
In these moments and phases of life,
the MHFA network is there for the members of Neu-Ulm University!
Life holds many challenges in store for us that we cannot always cope with ourselves. The HNU has therefore set up a network of "Mental Health First Aiders" and would like to train mental health first aiders on a regular basis.
Do you need help yourself or are you worried about someone close to you?
Get in contact with the Mental Health First Aiders really easy:
- Alexandra Popp, Studentin (accessible to all university members)
- Alina Geßler, Mitarbeiterin (accessible to all university members)
- Christoph Giebeler, Mitarbeiter (accessible to all university members)
- Dolu Deniz, Studentin (accessible to all university members)
- Julia Bilich, Mitarbeiterin (accessible to all university members)
- Julia Tyborowski, Studentin (accessible to all HNU Students)
- Mirjam Wenke, Mitarbeiterin (accessible to all university members)
- Nadine Guttmann, Mitarbeiterin (accessible to all HNU employees)
- Sonja Losert, Studentin (accessible to all university members)
- Tabitha Haug, Studentin (accessible to all university members)
- Teresa Moll (Ansprechpartnerin für alle Hochschulangehörigen)
- Veronika Witte, Mitarbeiterin (accessible to all university members)
The MHFA-Network is supported by Techniker Krankenkasse.