Nurs­ing care of re­l­at­ives

Nursing care of relatives

A nursing case in your family - and the subject suddenly becomes important and urgent. In many families it is a matter of course for the relatives to take over this task. We would like to support you in this phase of life and offer helpful information for the care of relatives.

Important: Students who take care of relatives in need of care can take a semester off for this and still take exams during this time (first and repeat attempts).

Via the HNU intranet you can access the Online Portal for care and health (opens in a new window), which we have set up for you. Here you will find answers to all important questions about nursing care. Practical tips for support and information on important contact points can be found in the collection "Links & Downloads" below.

On­line portal for care and health

  • Pa­tient in need of care - what now?

    A relative becomes in need of care and you have to make many decisions quickly. Here you will find an overview of the key issues: Medical care, support, financial and legal entitlements and psychological help.

  • Care and sup­port fa­cil­it­ies

    The online portal provides information about support services for people in need of care, both for care at home and in institutions.

  • Care in­sur­ance (fin­an­cing of care)

    People in need of care are entitled to financial support from the long-term care insurance. In the online portal you will find an overview of the scope of benefits and useful information on how to apply.

  • Liv­ing will, power of at­tor­ney & Co.

    With a living will, you determine which medical measures you would like to see in the case of nursing care. Find out about the formal and content aspects of a living will (with a sample form).

  • Tips for care at home

    Here you will find an overview of care aids, care techniques, nutritional tips and medication.

  • De­men­tia

    Dealing with the diagnosis of dementia is difficult. Here you will find an introduction to the medical basics as well as practical tips for coping with everyday life.

  • Dis­eases in old age

    An overview of the most common clinical pictures: Information on causes, signs, diagnosis and treatment options.

  • Nurs­ing re­l­at­ives

    Caring relatives are entitled to special insurance cover; relatives are socially protected by accident and pension insurance.

  • Care pro­viders in the Neu-Ulm re­gion

    Overview of regional care providers: Nursing services, nursing homes and day care facilities in the Neu-Ulm area and surroundings.

  • Sup­port pro­viders in the Neu-Ulm re­gion

    Overview of regional support providers: Care providers and outpatient services in the Neu-Ulm area and surroundings.

Links & Down­loads