
What is the man­date of the Equal Op­por­tun­it­ies Of­ficer?

The Bavarian Equal Opportunities Act (BayGlG) of 24.5.1996 forms the basis for the appointment of the Equal Opportunities Officer and his or her area of responsibility.

The following objectives are formulated in this law:

Goal 1
Increasing the proportion of women in areas where women are employed in significantly smaller numbers than men in order to achieve a balanced employment relationship.

Goal 2
Ensuring equal opportunities for women and men.

Goal 3
Working towards a better reconciliation of family and professional life for women and men.

Goal 4
Working towards the equal participation of women and men in governing bodies.

The Equal Opportunities Officer promotes and monitors the enforcement of this law and supports its implementation. The Equal Opportunities Act applies within the university and with it the responsibility of the Equal Opportunities Officer for administrative staff. The Equal Opportunities Officer of HNU is Christoph Giebeler.

Tasks of the Equal Op­por­tun­it­ies Of­ficer

The Equal Opportunities Officer

  • cooperates in a spirit of trust with staff committees and departments,
  • participates in all matters which may have fundamental importance for equality between women and men, the reconciliation of work and family life and the securing of equal opportunities,
  • advises on gender equality issues and provides support in individual cases, whereby all employees can contact the Equal Opportunities Officer directly,
  • has a direct right to speak to the head of department,
  • must be informed in good time and comprehensively in order to carry out their tasks,
  • is to be involved at an early stage in important projects relevant to gender equality,
  • must be informed at an early stage when general principles for the award of performance bonuses and performance-related allowances are drawn up,
  • must be involved in the introduction of the appraisal interview.

The objectives of the Equal Opportunities Act correspond directly to a decision of the Bavarian State Government of 02.02.1999, according to which a larger number of residential and teleworking jobs are to be created in the state administration to improve the compatibility of family and work.

At the request or request of the persons concerned, the Equal Opportunities Officer

  • be consulted on personnel matters
  • to participate in job interviews
  • to be involved in staff appraisals
  • to participate in individual decisions on the award of performance bonuses and performance-related bonuses if sufficient evidence is presented that the objectives of the Bavarian Equal Opportunities Act have not been observed

Fa­bian Girschick

Digital Content Manager InnoPROF,
Diversity Officer
Equal Opportunity Officer
Contact person for Jewish students

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1104

Location: Edisonallee 5, E5.2.01

To profile of Fabian Girschick

Fabian Girschick