Fa­cil­it­ies and ser­vices

At Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences, there are various facilities such as the Language Centre, the Library or the Centre for Digital Teaching, which can be used by both students and staff. In addition, we offer services, for example in the area of health or careers, which expand our range of services.

Fa­cil­it­ies of the HNU

Coun­selling Centre for Par­ents, Per­sonal and So­cial Af­fairs (BIZEPS)

The centre offers a wide range of information, counselling services and pragmatic assistance to make it easier to reconcile studying or working and family/private life.


The HNU Library provides access to an extensive collection of analogue and digital specialist media.

In­ter­na­tional Of­fice

The International Office supports students in their plans to spend a period of their studies abroad, welcomes international students to HNU, awards grants for international mobility and for international students, and promotes the international mobility of employees.

Study & Ex­am­in­a­tion De­part­ments

The De­­part­­ments of Stud­ies & Ex­­am­in­a­­tion supports you with all questions and issues relating to your studies, from application to exmatriculation.

Lan­guage Centre

At the university's language centre, students can currently choose between six different foreign languages as well as German as a foreign language.  The language training courses are conducted by qualified and experienced teachers.

Centre for Di­gital Teach­ing

The centre is your contact for all questions regarding digital teaching and learning methods at HNU. As a service institution, we advise and accompany you in the conception and realisation of your e-learning / blended learning projects and offer support around Moodle.

Centre for in­ter­dis­cip­lin­ary, in­ter­na­tional and com­mit­ted learn­ing (ZiieL)

The ZiieL at HNU promotes inter- and transdisciplinary learning as well as service learning in curricular and extracurricular offerings.

Centre of IT Ser­vices and Di­git­al­iz­a­tion (ZID)

The centre is available to all HNU staff and offers a wide range of IT services. It also functions as a scientific facility in which innovative concepts of IT operation are evaluated and piloted.

Ser­vices at the HNU

Healthy Uni­versity

The Healthy University is open to all students at HNU. It is an offer that aims to keep our students physically and mentally healthy. In this section you will find all the measures and offers of the healthy university.

Qual­ity Man­age­ment

Central quality management supports the continuous development of study and teaching. Its tasks include the coordination of data collection and internal accreditation procedures as well as the provision of templates, handouts and process data sheets.

Di­versity and anti-dis­crim­in­a­tion

HNU stands for diversity and actively works against discrimination, harassment and disadvantage. The anti-discrimination policy regulates the procedure in the event of a complaint.

Ca­reer Ser­vice

With the Career Service of Neu-Ulm University, we would like to facilitate your transition from studies to professional life with our range of events and services.

Uni­versity Centre Vöh­linsch­loss

A representative location for further education and training, meetings and conferences as well as cultural events is available: The Vöhlinschloss in Illertissen

First aid at the HNU

Do you need first aid? Here you can find information about all important telephone numbers at HNU.

Mar­ket­ing & Com­mu­nic­a­tion

Do you need interview partners, picture material or information about current developments at HNU? Then contact the Department for Marketing & Communication. You will also receive support in the areas of press relations, social media, website, student marketing and print media.


Vegetarian or not. Warm or cold? Or just a cup of coffee - in the mensa in building A and the cafeteria in building B you will find a big selection of food and drinks.

Rep­res­ent­at­ive at the HNU

Han­di­capped Em­ployee Rep­res­ent­at­ive

The Disabled Students' Representative Council looks after all employees of HNU who need advice, help or support on the subject of severe disabilities.

Data Pro­tec­tion Of­ficer

The HNU data protection officer is available to answer all questions regarding the DSGVO and data protection in general.

Equal Op­por­tun­it­ies Of­ficer

The Equal Opportunities Act applies within the university and with it the responsibility of the Equal Opportunities Officer for administrative staff.

Wo­men's Rep­res­ent­at­ive

The women's representatives advise and support female students, academic staff, female teachers and female professors. They do this through personal counseling, seminars and workshops, networks, promotion of doctorates, and through their participation in university committees such as appointment committees and the senate.