
Centre for in­ter­dis­cip­lin­ary, in­ter­na­tional and com­mit­ted learn­ing (ZiieL)

The ZiieL of the HNU is to promote inter- and transdisciplinary learning as well as service learning in curricular and extra-curricular offers.

The center is home to HNU's central quality managementin teaching and learning and offers various services for students in the field of education through responsibility / education for sustainable development.

What is Ser­vice Learn­ing?

"Service Learning" or "Learning through Engagement" is a teaching and learning method that combines social engagement and scientific knowledge. In contrast to cooperation with corporate partners in teaching - where insights into later professional life are the main focus - service learning is primarily about addressing the issues of society and sustainability and promoting the acquisition of social skills.

The concept originally originated in North America and is now maintained in various forms at selected universities worldwide. In Germany, the universities that are committed to service learning have joined forces in the higher education network "Education through Responsibility", of which the HNU is also a member.

More on Service Learning on the website of the higher education network (opens in a new window) "Education through Responsibility".

At the HNU, service learning takes place in compulsory and elective courses as well as excursions and is the subject of theses.

Of­fers of the ZiieL for stu­dents

The ZiieL as best prac­tice​​​​​​​

In 2018, the ZiieL was included in the best practice collection of the BMBF-funded project (opens in a new window) "Designing Sustainable Universities" of the network n (opens in a new window) in the area of "Governance".

Fur­ther in­form­a­tion


Pro­fess­orin Dr. Ju­lia Kor­mann

Vice President for Teaching and Learning, Sustainability

Head of the Centre for Interdisciplinary, International and Engaged Learning (ZiieL)

Head of the Centre for Corporate Communications

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1100

Location: Main Building A, A.2.10

To profile of Professorin Dr. Julia Kormann