Life on Cam­pus

Be part of Neu-Ulm University (HNU): Whether you eat in the refectory, become a member of the student council (StuVer), student initiatives or religious groups. Find out on this page what's on offer at HNU.

360° tour of the HNU

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Explore the HNU digitally in our digital 360° tour! Take your time to look around our campus, visit our lecture rooms, laboratories and other rooms and learn exciting insights about studying at HNU!

Stu­dent rep­res­ent­a­tion

The student representation at the HNU represents the students' interests vis-à-vis the university and various committees.

Stu­dent ini­ti­at­ives

Here you will find an overview of the possibilities to get involved alongside your studies.

HNU Cafet­eria

The HNU has a mensa in building A with a terrace and lake view.

Sus­tain­ab­il­ity at the uni­versity

Sustainability is lived at HNU. Learn more about HNU's understanding of sustainability and various projects at the university.


Find out about all events and dates at the HNU.


The HNU offers a wide range of merchandise that can be ordered via the infopoint in the foyer.

Cul­ture Pro­ject

The elective "Culture Project: Getting Creative, Developing Soft Skills" goes into the next round!

Stu­dent Com­munit­ies

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The Catholic and Protestant Student Communities in Ulm host an ecumenical semester program each semester. Everyone is welcome to come by and participate. You can find more information on the pages of the student communities.

Muslim Uni­versity Group Ulm

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The Muslim University Group Ulm is a university group that offers lectures from various fields as well as socializing events such as semester openings, city tours, iftar evenings and much more. We also support students through free tutoring and mentoring projects to help them get started in their studies. Everyone is welcome to join us!

Healthy Uni­versity

The Healthy University is a programme designed to keep students physically and mentally healthy. In this section you will find all the measures and programmes offered by the Healthy University.