eLearn­ing & Moodle

Moodle is a learning management system that you need to enrol in courses in your degree programme. For each course in which you are enrolled, you will find documents and scripts on Moodle which you can use to prepare yourself.

If your desired course is not available on Moodle, contact the lecturer and find out what topics are to be covered and what material you can access.

In addition, the platform offers opportunities to communicate with each other and to carry out learning activities.

Fur­ther in­form­a­tion

Ac­cess to Moodle

If you have not yet familiarised yourself with the e-learning platform "Moodle", then you can register directly via the following link on the learning platform Moodle with your HNU access data.

Get­ting star­ted with Moodle

You can find out everything you need to know about getting started in Moodle in the instructions and videos that the Centre for Digital Teaching has put together for you in the Infothek on the intranet:

You have ques­tions?

Contact elearning[at]hnu[dot]de if you have any questions about how to use the system.
If you have technical problems (e.g. logging into Moodle), please contact zid[at]hnu[dot]de or call 0731/9762-2828.