Cam­pus Portal & In­tranet

The Cam­pus Portal

You can perform the following actions in the campus portal:

  • View and change personal data
  • Download certificates such as matriculation certificate, study progress certificate, exmatriculation certificate, pension insurance certificate
  • Download fee statements
  • Under "Exam administration" you can register for and deregister from exams, view and download your grade list.

Fur­ther in­form­a­tion

The In­tranet

On the intranet you will find many important forms and instructions, but above all also essential information about your degree programme, such as timetables, etc. When you enrolled, you also received the login data for the intranet. If you have any problems, you can contact us at studium[at]hnu[dot]de.

Fur­ther in­form­a­tion