In­tern­ship Abroad

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What op­tions do I have?

  1. Internship semester abroad
  2. additional voluntary internship abroad with the chance to obtain the certificate "Study with deepened practical experience - Study and Work International"
  3. Thesis abroad
  4. Internship after graduation in another European country with Erasmus+ scholarship

Where can I get in­form­a­tion? How do I ap­ply?

In the Moodle course "Services IO" (opens in a new window) you will find

  • Recordings of the info sessions
  • Field reports
  • Tips for job search and specific vacancies
  • Information about application workshops
  • more tips on writing a really good English application

Please have a look at the FAQs

Why is an in­tern­ship abroad par­tic­u­larly valu­able?

  • You get to know the culture of the host country particularly intensively.
  • You show initiative and independence.
  • You show your future employer that you can work without any problems in an international team.
  • You can ideally integrate the internship into your studies without having to worry about recognition.
  • You have the chance to obtain an additional certificate.


There are a variety of scholarship opportunities to obtain a grant for an internship or thesis abroad. You don't necessarily have to be one of the best, there are also scholarships that anyone can get!

What other stu­dents say about their in­tern­ship abroad

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In­ter­na­tional Of­fice – Stu­dent Ex­change Out­go­ing