Erasmus+ for In­tern­ships in Europe

Application deadline
2 weeks before start of internship at the latest

Gen­eral con­di­tions

  • internship in an Erasmus+ programme country
  • enrolment at the HNU during your internship abroad (the Erasmus+ scholarship for an internship abroad is awarded to Bachelor's and Master's students)
  • minimum duration of the internship is 2 months (maximum 12 months)
  • for internships during studies (internship semester or voluntary internship), theses abroad and for internships after graduation
  • scholarship amount does not depend on the salary
  • maximum funding period is 12 months per study period (incl. zero-grant); several Erasmus+ mobilities can be carried out in one study period until the maximum funding period is reached

Programme countries

Only internships in Erasmus+ Programme countries can be funded. You can find the current overview of the Erasmus+ Programme countries on the website of the NA DAAD (opens in a new window). Note: Internships in Erasmus+ Partner countries are not eligible for funding.


A funding period is approved for which the Erasmus+ scholarship will be paid. This funding period does not have to correspond to the actual duration of the stay. The amount of funding and the duration of the maximum funding period depend on the total Erasmus+ budget approved by the NA DAAD and the number of participants. It is not possible to adjust the funding period - and therefore the funding amount - at a later stage. Due to the financial allocation by the NA DAAD, the maximum funding period cannot be announced until the end of June for the following academic year.

In the academic year 2024/25, the maximum funding duration is 4.0 funding months (= 120 funding days) per internship abroad. The following funding rates apply (funded from project 2024):

Country group 1 (CG1)Country group 2 (CG2)
  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • France
  • Iceland
  • Ireland
  • Italy
  • Liechtenstein
  • Luxembourg
  • Netherlands
  • Norway
  • Sweden
  • Bulgaria
  • Croatia
  • Cyprus
  • Czech Republic
  • Estonia
  • Greece
  • Hungary
  • Latvia
  • Lithuania
  • Malta
  • Northern Macedonia
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • Serbia
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • Spain
  • Turkey
750.- EUR / funding month
= 25.- EUR / funding day

690.- EUR / funding month
= 23.- EUR / funding day

Social top-up

One focus of the Erasmus+ Programme is social participation and equal opportunities. For this reason, access to the programme is made financially easier for students from disadvantaged backgrounds and participants with special needs.

For Erasmus+ funded internships abroad a social top-up of 250.- EUR / funding month will be paid to the following participants in addition to the regular Erasmus+ scholarship:

  • Students with a degree of disability of 20 or more or a proven disability that will lead to additional costs during the stay abroad
  • Students with a chronic illness that will lead to additional costs during the stay abroad  and is not covered by the health insurance abroad
  • Students who take their child(ren) with them abroad
  • Students from a non-academic background (first-time academics)
  • Employed students (at least 6 months of employment within the last 12 months before the start of the internship abroad; net income on average (all activities per month added up) above 450.- EUR / month and below 850.- EUR / month; the employment can, but does not have to continue during the internship abroad; it is important that the employment - should the contract continue - is paused during the internship abroad)

Note: Only one target group feature can be applied for payment of the social top-up.

If you belong to one of the target groups mentioned here, you can apply for the social top-up via Mobility-Online - as soon as the section "Erasmus+ Scholarship" is activated. Proof is provided in the form of a Declaration on Honour in which participants sign a declaration stating that they fulfil all the relevant eligibility criteria. Participants must be able to provide proof of eligibility upon request. 

Students with a degree of disability of 20 or more or a proven disability / a chronic illness, that will lead to additional costs during the stay abroad, as well as students with child(ren) are entitled to apply for the assumption of real costs ("long application") as an alternative to the social top-up. In this case, the application amount (max. 15,000 .- EUR / semester) is calculated according to personal needs and paid out in addition to the regular Erasmus+ scholarship. Students with a disability also have the opportunity to receive funding for a preparatory trip for themselves and, if applicable, an accompanying person, in order to be able to assess whether a longer stay at the foreign place of work is possible.

For more information on the Erasmus+ additional funding, please visit the NA DAAD website (opens in a new window).


An application for an Erasmus+ scholarship is possible until two weeks before the start of the internship. In the case of internships after graduation, the application must be made before exmatriculation.

Application documents

  • Online form
  • Photo (it does not have to be a passport photo)
  • Online letter of motivation in German
  • Online curriculum vitae
  • Certificate of all study and examination achievements
  • Language certificate B2 in the working language (only required if B2 is not evident from the grade sheet and is not your mother tongue)
  • Copy of the internship or employment contract (in German or English) or a corresponding confirmation e-mail from the employer
  • Application overview with signature

Documents and commitments

For the distribution of the Erasmus+ scholarship we need the following documents:

  • Grant Agreement - before your stay abroad
  • Learning Agreement - before your stay abroad
  • OLS language test - before your stay abroad
  • Confirmation of Arrival - upon arrival at the host organisation
  • Confirmation of Stay, EU-Survey, Experience Report and Traineeship Certificate - at the end of the stay abroad

Erasmus+ Student Charter

The obligations and rights of students in the Erasmus+ Programme are set out in the Erasmus+ Student Charter (opens in a new window), which must be given to each student before the start of the period of internship abroad.

Reporting obligation

All students who have taken part in an Erasmus+ mobility are obliged to submit an Experience Report and an EU Survey together with evidence of the duration of stay (Confirmation of Stay) and the achievements at the host organisation (Traineeship Certificate) upon completion of the mobility.

Mandatory language tests

If  the main working language is not the native language of the beneficiary, he/she must take an online language test  before the stay abroad. This is not a selection criteria for funding under the Erasmus+ Programme. The aim is to record any progress made by the sponsored participants in language acquisition.

Im­port­ant Links & Down­loads

In­ter­na­tional Of­fice – Stu­dent Ex­change Out­go­ing