Net­works & Mem­ber­ships

Tech­no­lo­gien­et­zwerk Bay­erisch-Schwaben (TBS)

TBS is the association between the University of Augsburg and the Universities of Applied Sciences (HAW) Augsburg, Kempten and Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences. It has been in existence since 2012 and focuses on "Health Care Management" and "Resource Efficiency".

Bay­erisches Wis­senschafts­forum (Bay­Wiss)

Baywiss is the joint platform of universities and universities of applied sciences for cooperative doctoral studies in Bavaria. The supervising professors of the University and HAW are equal assessors and examiners.

Ge­mein­same Ethikkom­mis­sion der Hoch­schu­len Bay­erns (GE­HBa)

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The Gemeinsame Ethikkommission der Hochschulen Bayerns (GEHBa) (Joint Ethics Committee of the Universities of Bavaria) evaluates the ethical aspects of research projects involving human subjects. It is currently made up of 21 experts from 14 universities in Bavaria and began its work in spring 2020. The supporting organisation of the GEHBa, whose office is located at the HNU, is the Hochschule Bayern e.V. (Bavarian University of Applied Sciences).