Work experience abroad during your studies

What options do I have to gain work experience abroad?

If you want to study abroad and bring back ECTS please have a look here.

Where can I find information?

On the web page of the International Office Internship Abroad (opens in a new window) and especially in the Moodle course "Services IO" (opens in a new window) you will find relevant information including

  • a list of companies where HNU students did an internship in a company abroad
  • field reports,
  • vacancies
  • information about appliction workshops
  • a list of search portals for internships
  • many other useful tips.

When and how do I apply for an internship or thesis abroad?

You should send your applications about four to six months before the planned start of the internship. It depends on the company and the country. If you need a visa you might wish to apply earlier and consider the time it takes to get the visa.  We recommend to start your planning a year in advance. Then you will have enough time to find suitable companies and prepare a really convincing application.

Tip: We offer application workshops (opens in a new window) each semester. Check the dates here (opens in a new window).

In the Moodle course "Services IO" (opens in a new window) you will find numerous tips for a good application:

Where can I find job offers for an internship or thesis abroad?

In the Moodle course "Services IO (opens in a new window)" you will find job offers, links to search portals specialised on internships and a long list of international companies where HNU students did an internship.

Can I get financial support for my stay abroad?

Scholarships: Overview and Links (opens in a new window)

Contact for outgoing students

International Office – Student Exchange Outgoing