
  1. HNU on­line course "Learn­ing through En­gage­ment"

    In the "Learning through Engagement" course, you bring in an existing volunteer position or take up a new commitment. In the accompanying online course on our learning platform moodle, you reflect on your learning progress and your skills acquisition during the commitment. The special feature: The course runs entirely online. You can start it at any time - i.e. independent of semester or lecture-free time. The course is not an elective/optional, but a voluntary extra course that is open to all HNU students and is recognized with a certificate upon successful completion.

    Further information can be found in the Moodle course "Learning through Engagement" (opens in a new window).

  2. Cul­tural pro­gramme

    In the optional compulsory module "cultural programme" you can develop your talent freely! Do you love music, acting or are you artistically active? Then study a programme, convince with oil painting or your first photo exhibition! You can then perform and exhibit the whole thing at a "cultural evening" at the HNU.

    You will earn ECTS credits for your studies via the accompanying course, which includes, among other things, a discussion of your competence acquisition.

    Further information is available on the website of the Cultural programme, in the Moodle course "WPF Cultural programme" and in the module descriptions of the electives on the intranet.

  3. Sem­inar series "key com­pet­en­cies"

    Each semester, a series of seminars key competencies is held, covering topics such as the basics in MS Word, successful self-marketing and individual application coaching.


Pro­fess­orin Dr. Ju­lia Kor­mann

Vice President for Teaching and Learning, Sustainability

Head of the Centre for Interdisciplinary, International and Engaged Learning (ZiieL)

Head of the Centre for Corporate Communications

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1100

Location: Main Building A, A.2.10

To profile of Professorin Dr. Julia Kormann