Professorin Dr. Julia Kormann

Vice President for Teaching and Learning, Sustainability

Head of the Centre for Interdisciplinary, International and Engaged Learning (ZiieL)

Head of the Centre for Corporate Communications

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1100

Location: Main Building A, A.2.10

Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences
Wileystraße 1
89231 Neu-Ulm


  • Basics of Business Studies (in German)
  • Marketing (in German)
  • Corporate Communications I (in German)
  • Internal Communication
  • Advanced Corporate Communications, Seminar (Studiengang Informationsmanagement und Unternehmenskommunikation, 6. Semester)
  • Startegic International Corporate Communication, CSR Communication (ICCMM)


Professional activity

  • Professor for Corporate Communications at the University of Applied Sciences Neu-Ulm
  • Director Marketing & Communications at A.T. Kearney (Sector: Management Consulting), Düsseldorf
  • Communication Manager at Management Engineers (Sector: Management Consultancy), Düsseldorf
  • Editor/Client Communications at A.T. Kearney, (sector: management consultancy), Düsseldorf
  • During her studies, freelance editor of the magazine "Der Deutschunterricht" (a scientific magazine for German teachers), freelance editor (for Rowohlt, among others), literary critic and editor of a literary magazine with fellow students


  • Doctorate at the University of Duisburg on the topic of " Literatur und Wende - Ostdeutsche Autorinnen und Autoren nach 1989" (Literature and the Fall of the Wall - East German Authors after 1989)
  • Master's degree at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
  • Studied at the LMU Munich, the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, USA and the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg.
    • Major subject: German Studies,
    • Subsidiary subjects: Business Administration (focus: Marketing), Philosophy

Vocational training

  • Apprenticeship in publishing



  • Internationalisation
  • Quality of Teaching
  • University Communications

Third-party funding and research projects

  • CSR Innovation Circle (01.2018-12.2022): Establishment of a CSR communication network in the Donau-Iller-Riß region as part of the InnoSÜD joint project - funded by the BMBF. Information on the project here.
  • Communication science support for the Zukunftsstadt Ulm - Phase 3 (06.2019-05.2022): Transdisciplinary and transformative project between science, city administration, committed actors and civil society for the development of the city of Ulm in the sense of the regional stakeholders. Communication controlling and scientific support and training regarding internal and external communication, funded by the BMBF. 
    To the project
    More information here.
  • Gemeinsam Mobil 1+2 (01.2018-12.2019): Survey and analysis of regional needs and obstacles of car-sharing platforms in cooperation with the University of Ulm, the local agenda ulm 21, the district office of Neu-Ulm, the district office of Alb-Donau-Kreis as well as providers of car-sharing platforms - funded by the district of Neu-Ulm (phase 1) and unw (Ulmer Initiativkreis für nachhaltige Wirtschaftsentwicklung e.V, phase 2). Result reports and Insight Book here.
    To the project
  • energietour.ulm (05.2015-12.2018), taken over from 11.2016. Transdisciplinary research project to network local actors in the energy sector and to raise awareness among different groups of people and stakeholders. In cooperation with: local agenda ulm 21 with the working group on energy (AK Energie), Regional Energy Agency Ulm, City of Ulm - Dept. of Strategic Planning, Centre for Applied Scientific Continuing Education at the University of Ulm (ZaWiW) with the working group on solar energy (AK Solar) - funded by the unw.
    To the project
  • Zukunftsstadt Ulm - Phase 2 (01.2017-06.2018): Second phase of the research project described above. HNU's role: communication science support (scientific advice), funded by the BMBF.
    To the project
    More information here.
  • Junge Flüchtlinge in Ausbildung (11.2016-05.2018): Transdisciplinary research on the topic of refugee integration in training occupations and the labour market. Funded and in cooperation with the Swabian Chamber of Industry and Commerce.
    To the project

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