Cor­por­ate Com­mu­nic­a­tions

Cor­por­ate com­mu­nic­a­tions: strategy, con­tent and design

Our area of expertise: The Competence Centre Corporate Communications stands for corporate communications in research, teaching and practice. From social media, big data marketing, image communication, transformation design and semiotics to online PR and CSR communication.

Our team: Professors Dr. Markus Caspers, Dr. Wilke Hammerschmidt and Andrea Kimpflinger with many years of international experience in management, corporate communications, advertising and marketing.

Our goals: Practice-oriented research, committed teaching, sound education and training of students, anchoring of science in society.

Port­fo­lio of the Com­pet­ence Cen­ter Cor­por­ate Com­mu­nic­a­tion

Con­tact per­sons