

Below you will find all our courses, divided into courses of the current semester and all possible courses.
If you have any questions about the courses offered, don't hesitate to get in touch with the responsible scientific staff member or lecturer.

Theses at the Di­gi­Health In­sti­tute

Current developments and innovations in the digitalization of healthcare offer a wide range of opportunities for exciting and challenging research projects. Therefore, we are happy to support students with their bachelor or master thesis and can also help you with the preparation of a topic. Here you can find a list of current and past theses of our research group. Often, theses are integrated into our ongoing research projects and are conducted in collaboration with clinical or other partners. We therefore encourage the writing and publication of theses as scientific articles.

Look­ing for a thesis?

... then the best thing to do is to get in touch with us right away.

If you have further suggestions for topics, you are welcome to contact one of our employees on your own initiative.

A guideline for the preparation of theses can be found here (opens in a new window) (German only).
The Word template for the preparation of theses can be found here (opens in a new window) (German only).

Policy analysis neu German Digital Health Strategy with prev., fragmented strategy

An anylsis of the existing, very fragemented strategy has already been conducted.

The aim of this topic is to comparte these data with the new strategy "GEMEINSAM DIGITAL: Digitalisierungsstrategie für das Gesundheitswesen und die Pflege"

For more information, please contact: felix.holl[at]hnu[dot]de

Use of gamification in knowledge transfer in the mental health field: development of gamification tools to improve adherence and learning success in an app for caregivers of children with autism and/or intelligence impairment


For more information on the topic gladly in a personal conversation at: maximilian.karthan[at]hnu[dot]de


Gamification as a support in the on-boarding process and to structure long-term app use: development of a user guide for a mental health app for caregivers of children with autism and/or intelligence impairment


For more information on the topic gladly in a personal conversation at: maximilian.karthan[at]hnu[dot]de


Literature Study: Influence of resolution and color of pathological images on ML models

Machine learning models in the field of pathology have special requirements that distinguish them from most other tasks. From a technical point of view, these are primarily 1) the high resolution (and thus file size), 2) the information reflected in the color, and 3) the shapes of the cells and structures.

The aim of the literature research is to find evidence-based proof of their importance (or to document the absence of such proof).

Feel free to contact me directly if you are interested: daniel.hieber[at]hnu[dot]de

Literature Study: Hardware requirements for the deployment of pathological ML models.

The training of pathological image processing ML models requires incredible resources, but little is known about the deployment requirements of the models.

The literature review aims to identify the requirements of models for their deployment environment (or to document the lack of such requirements).

Feel free to contact me if you are interested: daniel.hieber[at]hnu[dot]de

Literature Study: Voice Revive - A voice for laryngectomy patients, what options are available?

Laryngectomy describes the surgical procedure in which the larynx is removed. This is mainly the case for patients with laryngeal cancer.

After a laryngectomy, normal speech as we know it is no longer possible and the patient's "new voice" has a low pitch with a "gurgling" background noise.

The aim of the literature research is to evaluate suitable technical options with which patients can regain their original voice.

If you are interested feel free to contact me: daniel.hieber[at]hnu[dot]de

Voice Revive: A voice for laryngectomy patients

Laryngectomy describes the surgical procedure in which the larynx is removed. This is mainly the case for patients with laryngeal cancer.

After a laryngectomy, normal speech as we know it is no longer possible and the patient's "new voice" has a low pitch with a "gurgling" background noise.

The aim of the work is to use sound engineering (/machine learning) to bring the voice back as close as possible to the patient's original voice.

If you are interested feel free to contact me: daniel.hieber[at]hnu[dot]de

Basic programming skills are required.

Framework for preprocessing pathological image data for machine learning

Implementation of individual functional aspects of an open source framework for preprocessing pathological image data for machine learning: e.g., normalization algorithms, quality control algorithms, ...

The work always includes the research for the most suitable reference implementation, its integration into the architecture of the framework and implementation, as well as writing the required tests.

If you are interested feel free to contact me: daniel.hieber[at]hnu[dot]de

Programming skills are welcome but not a must if you want to get into the field.

Framework for the empirical evaluation of machine learning models under different conditions

Implementation of a suite for the evaluation of ML models for pathology on different hardware and with different framework conditions.

In the end, the framework should be able to execute ML models for image processing independent of the operating system (Windows, Linux, Mac, with GPU support, without GPU support, ...).

Time and (optionally) the resources required for execution should be recorded.

If you are interested feel free to contact me: daniel.hieber[at]hnu[dot]de

Basic programming skills are required.

Computer Vision in Healthcare

Would you like to write a thesis in the field of computer vision in medicine, but none of the listed topics appeals to you?
Then just contact me and let's see if we can find a topic we both like: daniel.hieber[at]hnu[dot]de

Programming skills are welcome but not a must if you want to get into the field.

Use of LoRaWAN in Ambient Assisted Living Scenarios

  • Comparison of current technologies and alignment of requirements
  • Evaluation of suitability for use and architecture
  • Limitations of the technology

For more information on the topic gladly in a personal conversation at: johannes.schobel[at]hnu[dot]de

Requirements for Mental Health Apps in the Clinical Setting

  • Structured collection of requirements
  • Matching of requirements from literature
  • possibly UI prototypes with mockups

For more information on the topic gladly in a personal conversation at: johannes.schobel[at]hnu[dot]de

Requirements Analysis for Tablet-Based Documentation in Medical Emergency Scenarios

  • Structured collection of requirements from different stakeholders
  • Comparison with existing literature

For more information on the topic gladly in a personal conversation at: johannes.schobel[at]hnu[dot]de

Development of a UI Concept for Tablet-Based Documentation in Medical Emergency Scenarios

  • Development of mockups
  • Alignment of mockups with stakeholders
  • Implement interactive UI/UX concepts

For more information on the topic gladly in a personal conversation at: johannes.schobel[at]hnu[dot]de

Development of a Data Protection Concept for Tablet-Based Documentation in Medical Emergency Scenarios

  • What data protection requirements exist in the project context?
  • Legal framework
  • Related work (e.g. AKTIN)

For more information on the topic gladly in a personal conversation at: johannes.schobel[at]hnu[dot]de

Com­pleted Theses

No suitable work there? Feel free to think of a topic. You may find possible inspiration in the list of completed theses.