Stu­dent theses

Are you studying at HNU and interested in writing a thesis on an Africa-related topic?

Feel free to contact us at africainstitute[at]hnu[dot]de! We supervise a wide variety of topics, gladly related to our ongoing projects, and sometimes the opportunity for on-site data collection arises.

Possible topics are listed here, but we are very open to your ideas.

Topics for student theses at the Africa Institute

  • Prevalence and acceptance of product-service-systems business models in Rwanda
  • Bioeconomy in the agricultural sector of Rwanda
  • Consumer awareness and acceptance of circular economy business models
  • Identifying case studies of extant circular business models in Rwanda
  • Assessing lifecycle impact of circular business models in Rwanda
  • Intersections between the agricultural sector and other industries in Rwanda
  • Modelling for closed-loop supply chains for selected products in Rwanda
  • Prevalence of circularity in sustainability regulations / governmental documents in Rwanda
  • Prevalence of circularity in comparison of Rwanda to other selected African countries / European countries
  • How to make a product / process of an established company more circular – case study / feasibility study
  • Solidarity economy in Rwanda - potentials, concepts
  • Mapping inputs and outputs of a typical farm in Rwanda
  • Literature review on the differences between “new economic concepts” (bioeconomy, circular economoy, circular bioeconomy, green economy,…)
  • Trends, objectives, research gaps in the scientific community on the subject of the circular economy
  • Circular economy in the degrowth debate
  • How to promote and support business incubation in developing rural areas in Namibia [Experiences, difficulties, & opportunities]
  • Concepts to generate social and economic wealth in remote rural areas of Namibia – A critical analysis [Examination of experiences and deduction of forward-oriented opportunities]
  • Site analysis for local production and supply chain management in Kenya
  • 'Smart simplicity' as criteria for innovative product development - The adaption of products to the specific needs of the huge and rapidly growing markets in Africa and Asia
  • Improvement of supply chains in the food/agricultural sector through cold chains
  • E-mobility in Kenya - market potential and market analysis
  • Manufacturing value-chains in Kenya for E-mobility technology
  • Shared & circular economy business models in rural Kenya
  • Innovative and sustainable social business models in Kenya
  • Marketing for incubators – a comparison of German and Kenyan providers
  • What makes German and Kenyan incubators successful?
  • How to brand German and Kenyan start-ups from the renewable energy sector?
  • Business models for German and Kenyan start-ups from the renewable energy sector
  • A comparison of German and Kenyan consumers – using archetypes
  • A comparison of German and Kenyan companies in terms of image – using archetypes
  • A comparison of Germany and Kenya as brands – using archetypes
  • What data do German companies need to launch a product or service in Kenya successfully?

Completed Bachelor theses 2022

  • Calculation of the Levelized Cost of Electricity for a Mini-Grid in Namibia
  • Assessing the profitability and identifying financing options for an investment in Senegal
  • Development of a concept for a sustainable lodge in the Niokolo-Koba National Park in Senegal
  • Mini-Grids in Sub-Saharan Africa, case study Tsumkwe Namibia Development of a cost calculation scheme for generation, storage and transmission

Completed Master theses 2022

  • Top 10 Business Models for Productive Use in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Design of a University-Based German African Accelerator Using the Example of an HNU-Based German Kenyan Accelerator

Completed Bachelor theses 2021

  • Calculation of the Levelised Cost of Electricity for a Mini-Grid in Namibia
  • Economic viability of "productive use business models" in the field of rural electrification in Africa
  • Entrepreneurship in Africa

Completed Bachelor theses 2020

  • Presentation of the framework conditions for promoting e-mobility in West Africa
  • Presentation of the framework conditions for the promotion of renewable energies in African countries
  • Opportunities and risks of German companies for investments in sub-Saharan Africa
  • International project management and intercultural competence: The importance of culture and its influence on project success

Completed Bachelor theses 2019

  • Sub-Saharan Africa as an investment opportunity for small and medium-sized enterprises 
  • Opportunities and barriers for European companies to invest in Sub-Saharan Africa

Completed Master theses 2019

  • Crowdfunding comparison Kenya - Germany