Tech­no­lo­gie-Trans­fer-Zen­trum Leipheim

Study­ing at the TTZ

The TTZ offers students a space to research and develop realistic solutions in the field of digital operations and supply chain management.

Fo­cal points & ser­vices

Find out more about the focus areas Smart Factory, Sustainable Supply Chain Networks and Project- and Changemanagement as well as about TTZ services.

Be­come a part­ner of the TTZ

Are you interested in working with us in the areas of research, academy, consulting or networking? Then get in touch with us.

At the TTZ, we are designing the transformation to the smart factory - in a real value creation system, we apply technologies for the planning and operation of sustainable, networked production and logistics to support the competitiveness of regional companies.

What is a tech­no­logy trans­fer cen­ter (TTZ)?

Technology Transfer Centers (TTZs) are an initiative funded by the Free State of Bavaria that aims to ensure the competitiveness of a region through the transfer of research findings. In cooperation with companies, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, but also large companies, TTZs make specific technical knowledge usable.

This means that companies research solutions together with a university and develop them for practical application. These joint projects can lead to various forms of cooperation. From small workshops to the development of specific solutions and research into their own innovations.


Pro­fessor Dr. Jür­gen Grin­ninger

Mi­chael Al­theimer

Staff member in the specialist area of Operations and Supply Chain Management

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1575

Location: Edisonallee 7, E7.3.02

To profile of Michael Altheimer

Ro­land Amann

Diploma in Business Administration (FH), M.A. (UNI FAU)

Head of Digital Processes and Cooperation

Project Coordination Digital&Regional

Member of the IT Steering Committee

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1502

Location: Edisonallee 7, E7.3.08

To profile of Roland Amann


TTZ Leipheim
Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 6
89340 Leipheim

(Site of the Areal Digital)

ttz-leipheim[at]hnu[dot]de (opens in a new window)