Con­fer­ences & Events

3D Print­ing Chal­lenge

Ulmer Lo­gistik Meet­ing

The U.L.M. (Ulmer Logistik Meeting) is an annual event for regional logistics experts. It is organized by the Universities of applied sciences in Ulm (HSU) and Neu-Ulm (HNU). 


    Chan­cen & Risiko Werkstatt

    The CRW (Chancen & Risiko Werkstatt) is an event for decision makers, who want to create new business by harvesting upcoming opportunities and controlling the associated risks. CRW is a workshop-style event for researchers and decision makers hosted by HNU.

      Ulmer Lo­gistik Tag

      The ULT (Ulmer Logistik Tag) is a bi-annual event organized by BVL (Bundesvereinigung Logistik e.V.) and IHK Ulm (Industrie- und Handelskammer Ulm), and it is supported by both HSU and HNU.
