Team and Contact

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Contact us


Professor Dr. Philipp Brune

Professor Dr. Philipp Brune

Academic Head of TTZ Günzburg

Head of the degree programme Mas­ter of Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics

Head of the Centre for Secure IT Applications and Infrastructures

Head of the Institute of Agile Product and System Development

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1503

Location: Main Building A, A.1.55

To profile of Professor Dr. Philipp Brune

Jens Gebele

Jens Gebele

Research Assistent Focus Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence

To profile of Jens Gebele

Sarah Dreher

Sarah Dreher

Research Associate Focus Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence

To profile of Sarah Dreher

Selina Lorch

Selina Lorch

Research Associate Focus Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence

To profile of Selina Lorch

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