
Pro­fessor Dr. Al­ex­an­der H. Krack­lauer

Research Professor "Sales Management and Sales Intelligence"

Head of the Centre for Growth and Sales Strategy

Alumni Representative of the Department of Business and Economics

To profile of Professor Dr. Alexander H. Kracklauer

Professor Dr. Alexander H. Kracklauer

Pia Drech­sel

Research Assistant / Centre for Growth and Sales Strategy

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1405

Location: Edisonallee 7, E7.2.01

To profile of Pia Drechsel

Pia Drechsel

Former research assistants:

/ Frau Dr. Marion Funk

/ Frau Dr. Sandra Bissinger

/ Frau Dr. Kathrin Zwecker

/ Frau Nina Ziesemer

/ Frau Zekiye Özer

/ Frau Prof. Dr. Bibiana Grassinger

/ Frau Dr. Kathrin Dengler-Roscher

/ Frau Denisa Schill

/ Frau Sarah Eberhardt

 Prof. Dr. Christoph Rasche (University of Potsdam, Chair of Management, Professional Services and Sports Economics) is a cooperation partner in doctoral projects.