Pro­jects of the TTZ Gün­zburg

Our industrially and publicly funded projects, guided by sound theories and supported by comprehensive empirical data, are presented here. With these projects, we contribute to positive change in the areas of production and logistics as well as in everyday life.

AI-based con­trol of a skiv­ing post-pro­cessing ma­chine us­ing im­it­a­tion learn­ing

Cooperation project with the company Rigdon GmbH.
How can expertise in human skills be transferred to machines?

Time series ana­lysis for de­mand plan­ning

Cooperation project with the company AL-KO Geräte GmbH.
Immerse yourself in a future of efficient demand planning for faster supply.

Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence in the Sales sec­tor

Cooperation project with a company in the region.
Based on empirical studies of various machine learning methods, a prototype for predicting the probability of acceptance of customer
probability of customer offers.