Artificial Intelligence in the Sales sector


Project Term
March 2022 - September 2022
Jens Gebele
Prof. Dr. Philipp Brune

Project description

The aim of this project is to develop a tool that uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to make statements about the likelihood of an offer being accepted.

The sales department receives many inquiries from existing and new customers. Each offer requires intensive employee resources and therefore incurs costs. Together with a medium-sized company in the region, we are therefore investigating the factors that lead to the acceptance or rejection of offers and optimizing the preparation of offers based on this. The final decision on the offer is made by the responsible specialist employee.

As part of the project, we are looking at the scientific question of the extent to which modern artificial neural networks outperform traditional machine learning methods in this area of analysis. In this case, the Support Vector Machine algorithm delivers the best results.

Contact and Project Team

Jens Gebele

Jens Gebele

Research Assistent Focus Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence

To profile of Jens Gebele

Professor Dr. Philipp Brune

Professor Dr. Philipp Brune

Academic Head of TTZ Günzburg

Head of the degree programme Mas­ter of Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics

Head of the Centre for Secure IT Applications and Infrastructures

Head of the Institute of Agile Product and System Development

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1503

Location: Main Building A, A.1.55

To profile of Professor Dr. Philipp Brune

Dietmar Gräf

Staff of Building Management and Occupational Safety

Safety Officer

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1552

Location: Main Building A, A.2.21

To profile of Dietmar Gräf