Africa In­­sti­­tute

Ap­plied re­search in African key mar­kets.

Cur­rent Top­ics and Events

Africa Day 2024

On 11 June, the 5th Africa Day for Enterprises will take place on the topic of "Twin transformation -  the synergetic interplay of digital transformation and sustainability transformation - and its impact, particularly on the African continent" at Vöhlinschloss in Illertissen. 

So­ci­al En­tre­pre­neur­ship for Sus­tain­able De­ve­lop­ment (M.A.)

(opens in a new window)

"The focus of this unique, new degree programme is to learn responsible, networked and entrepreneurial thinking and action and thus to develop sustainable and effective solutions for international challenges of our time." - Prof. Dr. Thomas Bayer
Ap­plic­a­tion period for WS 24/25: 02.05. – 31.08.24

En­tre­pre­neur­ship ex­cur­si­on in Rwan­da

(opens in a new window)

In September, under the direction of Prof. Dr. Thomas Bayer, a two-week entrepreneurship excursion took place in Rwanda for HNU students.

In­sti­tu­tional Re­port 2023

Our Institutional Report provides information about partners and networks, current projects, exciting events and much more! 

Europe and Africa can only answer the big questions of our time together.

Olaf Scholz, Federal Chancellor

Re­search and trans­fer pro­jects

All pro­jects

Our project portfolio offers an insight into five current and 15 already finalised projects that have been developed within the framework of the Africa Institute.

Cir­cu­lar Agro-Eco­no­my

In cooperation with the University of Rwanda and industry partners, a degree programme on circular economy in agriculture and applied entrepreneurship is being introduced.


The Master's programme Big Data in Logistics that was developed with the UWC will be expanded with the topic of entrepreneurship and transferred to the Uganda Management Institute.


The aim of the International Virtual Academic Collaboration project is to establish a global supply chain network together with the UWC by 2023.