Com­­pet­ence centre for Agile Product and Sys­tem De­vel­op­ment

Fo­cus on agile meth­ods

The Competence Centre for Agile Product and System Development is a competent partner for the increasingly important agile methods such as Scrum, Kanban, Lean Startup and Extreme Programming.


The  Competence Centres goal is to bundle and expand the existing activities in the field of Agile Methods at HNU and to enable an improved public visibility of this competence focus of the university.

Key issues:

Implementation of knowledge transfer measures (lectures, training, seminars, certification etc.) for the regional economy,

Introduction of agile methods for product and system development as well as project management (with a focus on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs))

Merging of "traditional" methods (e.g. "waterfall", ITIL) with agile methods (keywords: Continuous Delivery, DevOps, Bimodal IT),

Implementation of practical case studies and contract research projects,

Scientific research on agile methods and software development, (e.g. publicly funded third-party funded projects - also together with partners from practice),

Examine the meaning of "values" for Agile organizations and projects,

Organisation of events at the HNU and regional conferences (e.g. IT congress).
